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Comment Re:Captain Obvious (Score -1, Interesting) 412

Wii HD. Seriously, the only problem with Wii is the really old graphics. Say what you want about gameplay and graphics comparison, but it doesn't feel nice to play games with such old looking graphics. Old classics or games especially made towards that purpose, sure, but it looks really bad with 3D games.

Besides, having good looking graphics doesn't mean you can't have great gameplay too.

Comment Re:Personal experiences with the social side of MM (Score -1, Flamebait) 75

So now developers are accused of making their games too fun to play? After all, there is a reason you like about the game if you continue playing it.

I'd say we should encourage publishers to bring even more addicting games. Me, and many other people on slashdot, seem to lost interest in games quickly.

If an addiction becomes a problem for you, it is your job to quit doing it and not take away the fun from others. Should we also ban alcohol, gambling, tobacco and so on just because some people have problems overdoing it while others are perfectly capable doing it moderately? If you have an addiction, there is something else missing or wrong in your life, and you should fix that.

Comment WebM versus H.264 (Score 0, Troll) 163

It's all good and all, but at most WebM will now be an alternative for the big guy H.264 which is already widely supported by computers, mobile phones, consoles, tv's... and is the superior format. WebM provides too little too late.

Personally I think making so many different formats will create the same hell that was around the year 2000 with WMV, RealPlayer and so on. We've finally established a single and simple way to embed video in to websites and that is flash with H.264. It has been working great.

For an analogy.. like in Buddhism, maybe we should all tolerate each other. Buddhism has four genders - man, woman, ladyboy and hermafrodites. Just the same way we can have H.264, WebM, Theora and hell, WMV. Lets let everyone be like they are, use them what they want and love each other. Remember karmas law - say something bad about other formats and it will come back to you in the future. Lets support each other and improve technology together.

Comment You get what you pay for (Score 0) 293

And there is little you can do about it

Actually there is, and it involves getting a quality laptop. I personally have Clevo W880CU and its cold from bottom, top and everywhere. Sure, it costs ~$2500, but you usually get what you pay for. Personally I'm extremely happy with it.

Comment Google does the same (Score 3, Informative) 338

Imagine the protests that would ensue if Internet services arbitrarily blocked video only to Internet Explorer or Firefox browsers! Or if Hulu and the other networks decided they'd refuse to stream video to HP and Dell computers because those manufacturers hadn't made deals with the services to the latter's liking.

You mean like country restrictions?

It would be nice to side with Google here, but they do exactly the same on YouTube. Apply restrictions that content producers require. This time they're just on the other side of the game, and get restricted themself.

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