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Comment Re:Useless anyway (Score 4, Insightful) 403

Welcome to to the tablet/smartphone age, where everything is an app. Apps on your tablet, apps on your phone, apps on your desktop, apps on your laptop. "Software" is no more, "apps" are the future...or something like that. I despise this market shift of the last four or five years of everything needs to be mobilized as an app so no matter if you are on a tablet, smartphone or laptop/desktop everything is an app.

Apps have a place, I guess, on phones and tablets. Keep that crap off of my machines that I actually use for productivity(laptop/desktop).

Comment Re:Marketing (Score 1) 308

This is why I stick to all my DOS games. They are actually fun and engaging. DOSBox and ScummVM have made old games playable on any modern computer. I still have plenty of old games I haven't beat yet and many that I have. Yet I cant help playing them over and over as the stories are far better, the nostalgia is huge and the overall sense of achievement after beating a game is immense. Sure the graphics are ancient in today's market, but pretty graphics make not a great game.

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