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Comment About "The Cloud" (Score 2) 54

I wonder if Mr. Cringely has heard that "the cloud" is actually a bunch of servers somewhere connected to each other, operated and managed by anonymous people and organizations who get paid to do what they do. We used to call them "contractors". In effect, using "the cloud" for your mission-critical applications is gambling on a unanimous vote of the individuals and devices required to get your work done every minute of every day. Better, I think, if you have hire and fire authority over the people responsible for you and your organization meeting its service objectives.

Comment Social web? (Score 1) 121

In the 1930's, broadcast radio was the "social web". Everyone listened, and talked about it. See where that got us!

The social web is toxic to humanity and FaceBook, Twitter and ALL the "algorithm-curated" (i.e., non-moderated wastelands that are today's "social web") need to be expunged, purged, outlawed before they destroy what's left of civilized society.

I tried to include a quote "I couldn't have done it without radio" from a certain Teutionic propaganda minister but it was declined. By an algorithm.

Comment Inadequate compensation, but... (Score 1) 62

When (if) future historians are able to identify the causes of the failure of the American experiment, social media will surely be near the top of the list. If they succeed in trying anyone for crimes against humanity, Zuck will surely be in the defendant's chair

Comment VIM (Score 2) 55

Control Data 6000 series - VIM - get it? Name was attributed to "the senior senator from Brookhaven [National Laboratory)" John Denes.

Hell, now everyone's wristwatch outperforms a CDC 6400!

Fond memories of the 60s-70s BC (Before Cray, although Seymour was a part of Control Data back then.)


Comment FASD ? (Score 1) 129

This is the second such "study" I've seen from a "reputable source" that fails to mention that pre-menopausal women who ingest alcohol are at risk of pregnancy and giving birth to a child with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder, a lifetime of pain and heartbreak (at best) for the child, the parents, caregivers, and others who have to interact with the child - for life: https://ncfasdinformed.org/ & https://medlineplus.gov/fetala...

Comment Like Moths to a Flame (Score 3, Insightful) 250

I love how predictable this forum is. When anyone suggests that government might actually be able to accomplish something beneficial to someone other than them, the Ayn Rand devotees, the die-hard free marketeers, the people who have never experienced need or privation and can not imagine how these conditions affect others, descend like hyenas on carrion. Having once been one of these long ago, I offer sympathy to them, and challenge them to revisit these comments in, say, 50 years, after which they may be able to imagine that you don't need a gazillion dollars, three homes and a senator or two to be happy.. And consider whether these views have enhanced their quality of life, and whether the quality of life for those with whom we share the planet might also be worth their consideration.

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