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Comment Re:Listening (Score 2, Interesting) 505

I had always heard that the real reason they make you turn off electronic devices is so that you listen fully to any instructions you are given. Why else would they make me turn off my wi-fi only Kindle?

Maybe. I think that the "cellphone interference" is just a blanket term they use whenever anything goes wrong. When I was flying from PSP to DFW a few months ago, the flight attendants had already given the "turn off all electronic devices" thing followed by the safety brief, yet we still hadn't moved onto the runway. Instead of telling us what the hold up was, the flight attendant got on the intercom and said, "We would be on the runway right now, but somebody left their cell phone on and it's interfering with our signals." Lo and behold, about half the passengers pulled out their cell phones and turned them off. This was reverse psychology, shifting the blame to the passengers for the delay. Sad thing is, it worked.

Comment AT&T (Score 2) 200


Normally, I would recommend Simple Mobile which is contract-free using the T-Mobile network. $60 will get you unlimited everything. Since you have an iPhone though, and 3G is a must, you are probably stuck using AT&T's 3G network. That probably means getting a SIM card and then paying $75/mo for a whopping 200MB on the Pay as you Go plan. But hey, at least you will get 4G.

Welcome to America.


Submission + - Gnome to become Linux-only? (

Moderator writes: Is Gnome about to drop support for non-Linux operating systems? That seems to be the consensus after a recent discussion on the Gnome mailing list. From TFA: "It is harmful to pretend that you are writing the OS core to work on any number of different kernels...the time has come for GNOME to embrace Linux a bit more boldly."

Comment Re:Addicted much? (Score 0) 208

I know I really do not understand the need to be using your smart phone that much. I see people sitting in hot tubes at my gym using them, and it's like do you really need to be connected so much you can't be away from your phone for 30 min?

I don't know what everybody else is doing, but I use my phone to keep track of my workout routine in between sets. I use the note-taking app on my Nokia to keep track of weights, sets, reps, exercises, etc. by day, and I can upload them to a spreadsheet when I get home.


What Does IQ Really Measure? 488

sciencehabit writes "Kids who score higher on IQ tests will, on average, go on to do better in conventional measures of success in life: academic achievement, economic success, even greater health, and longevity. Is that because they are more intelligent? Not necessarily. New research concludes that IQ scores are partly a measure of how motivated a child is to do well on the test. And harnessing that motivation might be as important to later success as so-called native intelligence."

Comment If you ever wondered (Score 0) 160

If you ever wondered whatever happened to the kid who used to grease up the Nintendo controller every time you let him play, looks like he's reviewing Tablet devices at AndroidCentral.

Seriously, look at the photos of the screen and the keyboard trackpad. Did this guy just finish a bag of Frito Lays?

Comment Networks (Score 2, Insightful) 307

In my opinion, Facebook lost a lot of appeal when it opted to become network-transparent as opposed to a way to meet people who shared similar interests at your university / hometown. The selling point of Facebook over say, Myspace, was that Facebook was geared towards meeting new people at your school (and later in your city) who had similar interests. I met some of my best friends from the university through finding people with shared interests on Facebook six years ago. With my natural introversion, who knows if we would have ever met otherwise. That has been lost as Facebook you will find people with similar interests ALL OVER THE WORLD and since there's virtually no chance that you'll ever meet any of these people, there's no reason to reach out to them. Thus it has become a tool for connecting to your own already existing friends-network as opposed to expanding it.

Even the movie pointed it out: the selling point over Friendster/Myspace was that it was based around your local network. That was thrown out the door a long time ago.

Comment Probably (Score 2, Interesting) 196

"Would the Chinese or other governments take the opportunity to create back doors into western IT networks? Wouldn't they be crazy not to?"

Yeah, but it's probably happening at layer 2 and 3, since a lot of American networks are being offshored to Japan who in turn hires the cheapest third country nationals (Chinese CCNA's) to administrate. Add this to the fact that there is a lot of counterfeiting of Cisco hardware anyway, and there's no reason to hide a backdoor in plain site within an AntiVirus program.

Comment Jesus Christ (Score 0) 357

I read TFA and I have no idea what this senile guy is babbling about.

“Computing is made up of files and directories and that’s a tradition left behind from the 1940s that no one questions,” he said. “Another tradition is that one file equals one document.”

No conspiracy here by IT people, this works because it MAKES SENSE. Would you rather have one file equal several documents? Or what about a file pointing to nothing /dev/null?

Having to refer to a paragraph and a sentence in an e-mail is just so barbaric when you could just strike it out and make the connection between sentences.

I don't know where to even begin with that statement.

The only instance where I can see the structure of the web being completely wrong is implementing closed solutions in lieu of using established protocols...IRC for Chat, NNTP for discussion, FTP for file transfers, etc.

Comment TERM LIMITS. (Score 5, Interesting) 385

If this isn't a strong case for term-limits, I don't know what is. The FY2011 budget took SO LONG to pass because IT WAS AN ELECTION YEAR and Americans were starting to worry about defaulting on their national debt. Are we really so stupid to believe that in a nation of 300 million people, it takes the same small group of elite warmongers to pass our laws year after year? Many congressmen have been there so long, they are rolling in their own shit. With term limits at least, there is the fresh flow of ideas every election cycle. There is also incentive to do well...with a 6x2 cycle for representatives (6 2-year terms, max) and a 2x6 cycle for senators with the requirement that they first served in the House, there is more incentive for aspiring first-time Representatives to appease their constituents (geographic, not party) so that they can "upgrade" to a Senate seat (and later, the presidency).

It's okay though. Looks like we are going to default on our debt sometime within my lifetime. There's no way out at this point. In the meantime, continue to spend, spend, spend. Let's get that new infrastructure (new bridges, roads, high-speed internet) built for the NEXT government. Maybe then we'll get it right with Term Limits.

Comment Re:Xfce (Score 0) 353

um...going by the difference in market share between gnome and xfce, I'd suggest the majority of people disagree with you.

If we went by market share, the majority of people disagree with anything other than Windows on the desktop.

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If the aborigine drafted an IQ test, all of Western civilization would presumably flunk it. -- Stanley Garn
