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Comment Re:They should have found a more appropriate charg (Score 1) 420

I hate to burst your bubble, but in this case

being a big fat meanie-heat

is illegal (Yeah, IANAL) but still, an internet connected computer is a telecommunications device, and I think you'd be hard pressed to argue that the Ms. Drew's actions didn't fall under the following:

(C) makes a telephone call or utilizes a telecommunications device, whether or not conversation or communication ensues, without disclosing his identity and with intent to annoy, abuse, threaten, or harass any person at the called number or who receives the communications;

Honestly, the federal prosecutor was asleep at the wheel going for a fraud conviction instead of using the above. yeah, fraud will get you 3 years, and this gets you a max of 2 years, but still.

Along the same notes, a letter I just recently sent to my congress-critters:

It recently came to my attention that the recent dismissal in the
Lori Drew "CyberBullying" case is creating incentive for more
"CyberBullying" laws. Specifically in the House Rep. Linda Sanchez
(D-Calif.) has proposed the "Megan Meier Cyberbullying Prevention Act"
to prevent online harassment.
  I would urge you to be very cautious, and highly suspicious of any
legislation the proposes legislating something merely because of it
being "online". In this case, harassment is already illegal, including
online. (See Title 47, Chapter 4, Sub-chapter II, Part 1, Paragraph
223 United States Code).
  Granted, The federal government can only regulate inter-state
communication, but in the case of the internet, with some very limited
cases (i.e. Internal corporate/school/university networks that are
limited in location) you almost invariably cross state lines with any
sort of internet communication.
  In Conclusion I would re-iterate that just because something is
"online" or uses "the internet" doesn't mean that it needs new

Comment Re:Stop engaging in anti-politics. (Score 1) 243

To all the centers of power, this is known as the "crisis of democracy" - when people actually start running their own country. It's their nightmare scenario, and a goal we should all be dedicated to achieving.

don't get me wrong, I believe that true democracy is a good thing, but when you get too many people in the mix you start getting "Bread And Circuses." What we need is some system whereby there are good checks and balances, and that the will of the majority can't overrule the rights of the minority. Also Fiscal Responsibility is a big key. If I let my kids have a vote on everything, we'd be eating at McDope's all the time, Bedtime would be non-existant, and generally, chaos would rule supreme.

It's all about Balance

As Heinlein wrote in "Time Enough for Love":
âoeDemocracy is based on the assumption that a million men are wiser than one man. Howâ(TM)s that again? I missed something. Autocracy is based on the assumption that one man is wiser than a million men. Letâ(TM)s play that over again, too. Who decides?â

Comment CCA? (Score 1) 699

Let me guess... the Client Security Access is probably Cisco Clean Access, or something else along the same lines.

This is nothing special, a lot of places run CCA. If you don't like it, love off campus, or don't use the campus network.

Comment More RAM (Score 3, Insightful) 346

If it had more RAM it'd make a great web-development server. With only 512MB Ram, I think some SQL databases might be a bit much.

I'm thinking throw a USB external HDD, or maybe just a 8GB Flash-drive on it, and "let'er-Rip"

maybe also add a second USB port, so you can add a USB WIFI adaptor, though the GigaBit ethernet sounds nice.

I can also see using one as a low-end monitoring server (Nagios), or network print server.

Comment Re:Meh (Score 1) 876

I'm the desktop guy here... I deal with the end user's computers. I kid you not, last week our net-admin comes into my office and asks, completely seriously, "Is the internet broken?" (FYI, this was at the same time as the "great Google Outage")

One quick internal face-palm later, I've convinced him that it's just google having some issues, and he leaves.

Yeah, a real winner (and if you knew the net-admin here, you wouldn't doubt the story one bit)

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