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Comment Re:It's real meat (Score 1) 619

Chicken meat is the culmination of scores of different types of cells arranged in a macroscopic arrangement that you cant easily reproduce without growing a whole chicken.

Is "vat" meat bad? No, but to claim that it will be no different than chicken is kinda misunderstanding its strengths, which is the ability to grow one type of cell en masse. As someone already stated, this technique would be great for ground beef, and horrible for steak.

Comment Re:Very True (Score 1) 533

you do understand that the smallest sample size able to produce a 95% failure rate is 20, right? Do you honestly think that he had 19 out of 20 drives "from different batches in different servers..." fail? because the answer is no.

Comment Re:Fine the way it is, but why not support both? (Score 1) 574

You dont support both because Chrome is trying to be a 0 configuration browser. A chrome browser is a chrome browser, plain and simple. Its a platform for other things, and platforms need to be as uniform as they can be.

TBH i agree. Tabs are better on top so i can throw my mouse to the top of the screen fast, then come down just a bit to switch tabs. The only argument is that the "options" menu isnt based per tab, its a global action, so maybe that shouldnt be "under" each tab, but that is a technicality at best.

Comment Re:"overwhelming feedback with no notable dissent. (Score 1) 574

bluushit. The address bar is where you are, it is what you are looking at. People rarely use it to go anywhere, as in one page to another, but they do glance at it to see where they are. If people want to go to new place, 99% of the time they are opening a new tab or clicking a bookmark, not typing over the current address.

Comment Re:Or maybe not? (Score 1) 261

cheating can be dealt with by better testing methods. The methods might take longer, such as oral exams (skype), but they do solve the problem.

Cheating at regular colleges is rampant, prior tests and such.

Comment Re:Military spending? (Score 1) 2115

Some would argue that the last terrorist attack cost the US several trillion, so paying the military to prevent them is a net savings. Are there better things to spend money on? Sure. Is military spending "not constructive"? No, not really. Can the military do its job with less money? Sure. Will cutting the military in half, an spending that money on infrastructure really do anything to solve the financial problems in the US? no.

Comment Re:Content is keeping me away, not prices of reade (Score 1) 109

Its been 4 years since the first Kindle, and there is nothing to suggest that their DRM format is going away anytime soon.

1)Get the free Calibre to remove amazon DRM, it also is a great ebook manager / backup. Seriously. You are whining for the sake of it. The Kindle reads most formats, DRM or not, books you buy can be de-drmed with ease, and you dont have to use the amazon store.

If you honestly want an ebook reader, DRM is not a good reason not to have one.

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