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Comment Go for it. (Score 0) 369

Go for it. Piss off your customers when they figure out you can't find any standard headphones to match (except for Apple's expensive phones or adapter). Shoot yourselves in the foot; drive more customers to Android. Just like you're driving more customers away from Final Cut Pro X to Adobe Premiere Pro (FTW!).

Comment Gimme back good ol' opticals (Score 0) 532

I'm a Gen-X'er. As much as I like computer graphics technology, for the most part it all looks fake. Bring back the good ol' photographic/optical means of visual effects (NOT special effects, those are what they use on set, such as pyrotechnics, fog, etc.). Anyway, I'd still put up any of the visual effects from the late 70's-early 80's films - the original Star Wars, Star Trek, Superman, etc. - against anything that's out today. Sure, computers can help you achieve a much, much larger scope of things in a shot, but for real realism nothing beats the old photographic techniques. The one exception I would say to that is stop-motion animation - one of the fakest things I've ever seen.

Comment Re:yikes (Score 0) 351

No, We'll be able to do it with the (finger to lip) One Million Dollars*

*Contract to be negotiated will be a Cost-Plus with no penalty for overruns.

"Uh, Dr. Evil, a million dollars is not a lot of money these days..." Sorry, I just had to. I love Austin Powers. Hey, you started it!

Comment Re:wrong OS? NO! Wrong QUESTION! (Score 0) 1348

I hope I can always buy a desktop machine of some sort. I don't know about you, but I greatly prefer paying my bills online at my desk where I can look at things comfortably, type comfortably, print out the receipt, and mark the expense in my checkbook (yes, my wife still prefers having a physical paper checkbook and paper confirmation, plus I agree so you don't totally lose every record of everything if the bits get corrupted).

Comment Re:Why is the government involved? (Score 1) 489

I know. I may be the only one here, but of the two bands, I often find more interesting things on AM like the talk radio shows where I really get to learn what's going on. Not to mention just regularly scheduled news and weather (every half hour on my local flagship AM station anyway). I still don't think it should be mandated, however. If anything, maybe mobile devices should have something vital for survival anywhere, like a built-in NOAA weather radio or some emergency notification system on the cellular networks. Something that can actually save people's lives, not force people to have a receiver to receive crappy music. I know, I know, you don't have to use that feature, blah, blah, blah, but still a waste of circuitry space that could be allocated to something better.

Comment Re:Old or new??? (Score 1) 294

It could be, but then again, since we know there were scenes filmed back then that didn't make the final cut (and there always are in films), this could indeed be a genuine original scene that was filmed back in the early 80's during principal photography. We could go on and on with paranoia that everything we see now in movies is a modern digital mockup. It's getting to that point now, unfortunately, where you never know where things stand. And George Lucas is all over it. He'll keep reworking and reworking these movies until his dying day. Let them go, George, and direct a whole other movie project already!

Comment Re:Not Mark Hamill (Score 1) 294

The question is, for a shot like this, why WOULDN'T they have just shot it with the real actor, Mark Hamill? It's not like the scene calls for anything dangerous or difficult, just have him tinker with a metal cylinder and that's it. Certainly they could have shot Mark Hamill for a scene like that, instead of going through all kinds of gyrations with puppets and special effects, etc.

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