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Comment Its real simple... (Score 1) 574

... they hype caused large blocks of IP v4 addresses to be bought with the idea of selling them at higher prices... but the demand didn't happen so they were released... making them again available.

Don't know if its true but probably is considering teh things people will do when they think they can make an easy buck.

Comment IOf they don't work for the people, then they are (Score 1) 401

.... fired. Read the Declaration of Independence and know we have very little legitimate government left, as teh rest have been fired via Declaration of Independence. But for reasons that can only be thuggary, they are still taking money from the people, and to do what? Preform criminal acts.

They don't work for the people.... they need to be removed and charged with impersonating government and charged also with theft.

Comment On teh flip side of that coin.. (Score 1) 96

Mass surveillance allows the few who have access to the results to manipulate the public. Thsi was done regarding 9/11 and there was a lawsuit against the telcos for it but the ones that got them to do it also dismissed that case.

Such information is used in a feedback loop for manipulation. The other part of that loop is the main stream media which is controlled by a few as well.

A lot of people do not think very highly of FOX news but what I saw regarding 9/11 was news that was so out of it that I have to suspect it was their way of saying to the public, wake up. Instead a lot of people were glued to the tube with teh repetitive "go to war on iraq" drilled into their head. And today everyone know Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11.

So there it is, intentional manipulation of the masses via a feedback loop that makes use of spying on the people.
NOW- read the Declaration of Independence for the Instructions the Founders of the United Sates left for the people - instructions are in fact there.

Comment Re:The answer is simple... (Score 1) 876

I suspect the computer would be programmed to respond in asking for further clarity given its multiple findings with multiple choices of which is included the choice of "Tea". From the link I provided there is a link to http://groups.google.com/group... describing circular flowcharting and example of what may be considered engineered vocabulary or dictionary sets.

Roman numeral accountants did not comprehend the value of zero, but the decimal system required a different way of thinking about math. Same sort of thing here, a different way of thinking about programming from the basics up.

When you think about it, there are other programming interfaces that simplify programming via GUI, such as CNC router G-Code generators such as Router-CIM Solid-Cim 3D http://www.cim-tech.com/solidc... (watch the video and know this automates the creation of g-code directly from the 3D CAD model) and the Aerospace industry....it has its highly bug free software generators.

Comment Re:The answer is simple... (Score 1) 876

To clarify, the fictional Star Trek holodeck cannot be programmed with the way programming is done today. The Holodeck is programmed by simply describing the objective and letting the computer system fill in the details. But to do this, and it can be done, requires getting back to the basics, the unavoidable action constants and building out in a manner that is consistent with the idea of layering automatons such that you eventually get to a level of simply describing the objective and if needed the system prompts for additional information (sort of like how wiki's can have links not yet defined and going to them presents you an opportunity to fill in the details.)

Genuine software engineering would thrive this way, for it really would be a engineering task to create a, so to say, dictionaries of integrated active functionality.

But there is a problem, similar to the roman numeral accountants who has a high position in society and didn't want to lose it and fought against easier and more powerful the Hindu-Arabic system. I mean anyone who thinks nothing can have value must be insane... (re: zero place holder). And so it would be with a large industry of coders having to give up programming as the general population becomes enabled to do so for themselves. Those resisting are on both sides of the property fence, the fence between proprietary and open source as they both generall keep the end user disabled.

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