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Comment Re:The alternatives are very expensive. (Score 1) 441

If you had done only a little bit of research, you would know that only a very small part of this price difference can be explained by the increased use of renewables. The additional cost which funds the renewables is about 6 cents (EUR) in 2014. The actual energy price on the market (before adding fees and taxes) was reduced by renewables.

Also one has to point out that other energy sources also receive subsidies (in all countries) but this is usual paid with general taxes.

Comment Re:WUWT (Score 3, Informative) 441

No. You will understand the world much better if you dig deeper and rely on primary sources with hard data (I posted links elsewhere) and not just google something which already fits your opinion. Coal use in Germany is on a similar (high) level as always. This is not good, but has nothing to do with "returning to massive building of coal plants" which is a myth.

Comment Re:Slashdot has drunk the KoolAid (Score 2) 441

What do you mean by Germany is reducing its reliance on wind turbines? Germany is scaling up all kinds of renewables. They way you get reliable energy out of it by averaging over large areas, by having a mix of energy production (e.g. solar and wind complement each other fairly well in Germany) and by having additional plants which can quickly adapt to demand (i.e. not nuclear and coal, but gas or biomass). This works well.

Comment Re:Aluminium (Score 1) 365

Also I forgot: The article I have linked to has many links to its sources. Among other, I you follow the links you find the following article from "Die Zeit" at http://www.zeit.de/wirtschaft/... with the following quote "Wir beobachten die Versorgungsqualitaet sehr genau und haben keinen Hinweis, dass die Zahl der Stromausfaelle im Zuge der Energiewende zugenommen hat." from the head of the Bundesnetzagentur, the government institution regulating the electricity grid in Germany. Translation: "We monitor the quality of the supply very carefully and have no indication that the number of power outages increased during the Energiewende". So this nonsense if *officially* debunked.

Comment Re:This just illustrates (Score 1) 365

I made no statement as to why the change in the US. I just find it funny that a similar change in Germany is mis-interpreted as a failure of the Energiewende and as proof for the clearly incorrect claim that coal has replaced the turned-off nuclear plants. In contrast to all other hard evidence other wise, i.e. that the increase of renewables is much bigger than the decrease in nuclear.

Comment Re:This just illustrates (Score 1) 365

Yes, 262,9 (2010) is smaller than 283,2 (2013). Which I pointed out myself.Thank you. But 283,2 (2013) is smaller than 288,2 (2005) and smaller than 291,4 (2000). So the idea that coal when up since the start of the Energiewende is clearly wrong. That it was lower for a very short time around 2010 does not change this and is related to the relative price of gas and coal.

With respect to gas, the numbers are: (from 1990 - 2013)
35,9 36,3 33,0 32,8 36,1 41,1 45,6 48,1 50,7 51,8 49,2 55,5 56,3 62,9 63,0 72,7 75,3 78,1 89,1 80,9 89,3 86,1 76,4 66,7

Guess what the highest number is? 89,3. This is the year 2010. This is what is called a historical high. So you have again nicely demonstrated that you have no idea and also do not even care to look at actual numbers. You are right though: Gas would be growing if the price of CO2 certifcates would be higher. But then coal would be down, not gas and everything would be fine. But even so, CO2 emission from electricity production was stable in contrast to what you claim and there is no offical statement which "admits" otherwise. In fact, the statement that CO2 emission from electricity production was stable from 2012 to 2013 is on page 40 of the document "Energieverbrauch in Deutschland im Jahr 2013". You are probably confusing this with the fact that overall energy consumpion went up in Germany with a corresponding to an increase in CO2 emission due to colder weather in 2013, but this has nothing to do with electricity production and energy policy. You can find this is available at: www.ag-energiebilanzen.de/ which is as official as it gets - although mostly in German. But if you don't speak German, this is no excuse to make things up because it fits your ideology.

Comment Re:This just illustrates (Score 1) 365

And while I am checking facts: More efficient new plants have replaced old plants for lignites last year so usage of it has actually decreased while electricity production has slightly increaded. Usage of lignites decreased from 166.3 mil. T (2012) 163.8 mil. T. Coal went up ofcourse while gas went down, but overall CO2 emission from electricity production was stable from 2012 to 2013 at 0,51 kg CO 2 /kWh.

Source: http://www.ag-energiebilanzen....

I find it funny that indeed coal went up instead a bit in the US with corresponding higher CO2 emission:

Comment Re:This just illustrates (Score 1) 365

Numbers are publicly available and completely contradict your non-sense (or should I say lies?)

Here is the reality:
                    nuclear / renewables / gas / coil + ignites / export
2000: 169.6 TWh 37.9 TWh 49.2 TWh 291.4 TWh -3.1 TWh
2005: 163.0 TWh 62,5 TWh 72.7 TWh 288.2 TWh 8.5 TWh
2010: 140.6 TWh 104.8 TWh 89.3 TWh 262.9 TWh 17.7 TWh
2013: 97.3 TWh 152.0 TWh 66.7 TWh 283.2 TWh 33.8 TWh.
source: http://www.ag-energiebilanzen....

There is no more energy production from coal than in the past. In fact, it is lower than before the Energiewede (although it was lower in 2010 than in 2013 because gas was usage was at an historical high). Similarly, CO2 from electricity production from Germany has not increased and ofcourse energy was never dire in Germany. In fact, exports increased a lot.

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