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Comment Re:No, they don't work (Score 1) 670

Wow, you're getting a lot of venom from all those AC's, huh?

There's a reason why they're called cowards.

There are a lot of reasons for weight gain. Most of them are not "lack of willpower."

I was in one of my Depression management groups, and this guy walked in one day. He said "I'm here because my therapist said I should be here. Thing is, I don't have depression"

He weighed 450.

I looked at him and thought "You're fucking wearing your depression, man."


Comment Re:No, they don't work (Score 1) 670

Most of my life I had huge weight issues.

In appx 6 months, I lost somewhere between 80 and 100 pounds. I don't know for sure because I didn't measure my weight when I started.

I lost it through the same depression that had put the weight on.

I don't recommend this kind of weight loss.


Go fuck yourself, you cunt.


Comment Re:No, they don't work (Score 5, Insightful) 670

> which for 98% of the population is solved with willpower and determination alone

Spoken like someone who's never had to deal with weight issues.

You're a complete asshole. No, really.

>food isn't a addictive as heroin

It's worse, actually. You don't need heroin to live. You need food to live. It's always around. There is no putting it away. There is no removing yourself from the environment that triggers it.

And that's what you don't effin' get.

This calvinist shit really has gotten old.

But hey, you keep going with your preconceived notions about how things "should" work instead of how they do.


Comment Re:To hire specific people (Score 5, Insightful) 465

After reading your post, there is not enough of money you could pay me to get me to work for you, qualified or not. None. Zero. Zilch. Nada.

If you had my dream job, and it was a perfect match for me, I wouldn't take it. Because I would spend my entire paycheck on therapy.

Not. Worth. It.

If you want a robot, build one, jerk.


Comment Re:England (Score 0) 470

In the anaerobic environment of a landfill?

That's a big fat NOPE.

We are preserving our trash for future archaeologists by putting it in huge landfills. Archaeologists and anthropologists just love landfills.

Here's a well-written webpage about the pros-and-cons of each. https://www.ncga.coop/newsroom/paper-or-plastic

The answer to "paper or plastic" is BYOB and recycling.


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