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Comment Re:Oh right, Java is dying (again) (Score 1) 371

Well it may be fairer to say Twitter moved to Scala limiting the point to the JVM. Also programming on Android is best limited to Java6 to avoid potential issues with transpiling to dalvik and again limiting the point to older versions of Java and only making initial use of the compiler, not the runtime. Pure speculation but a dalvik compiler would make the point solely for the semantics of the language.

Personally, I hate java, but I'm well versed in it and make a living off of it, and my points above aren't meant to counter and say java IS dying. In fact, I think clarification of those points brings out a renaissance of sorts taking place for what I overall consider a shit language, funnily enough meaning my opinion also means shit.

Java isn't going anywhere. A simple example of this is how the latest version of Scala is beginning to target features on new versions of the JVM. Java is going to be called home for a long while by its derivatives.

Comment Re:Off-topic Maybe (Score 1) 411

kit kat distribution is 8.5% and those numbers are published by Google https://developer.android.com/... As an android developer, I can say that targetting 4.0.3 and higher isn't too big of a deal, regardless of how a user feels about the version they are on. Many new features developed are thrown into the support libraries that end up packaged with the app, and its a rarity to come across something needed from a higher api that's not backported. As an android user, my primary phone is stuck on 4.3 (galaxy nexus) and it really doesn't matter.

Comment Re:Bitcoin hype over? (Score 1) 305

People have to use it?! Of course! and banks aren't part of the equation for decentralized currency. So see, you took a valid issue here, people need to use bitcoin, but left off the important part, "as intended".

Bitcoin is a decentralized currency and people are going to have to learn what that really means and how to use it properly for bitcoin to succeed.

Comment no (Score 0) 246

what a crockpot of gas. You mean there are people out there that identify with a brand (idolization) and want to give value to said brand over other "generics" that don't measure up? And this is found with, wait for it ... heavy metal fans.

I'm just going to hamper a guess and say idolization and acting on that is prevalent in any brand of music, and surely other areas of life.


Submission + - Corporate Hackathons: The Fine Line Between Engaging and Exploiting (blogspot.com)

dasacc22 writes: Campbell is inviting developers to hack the kitchen with their recipe API, but wait! The API is private, so first you need to submit an idea. If they like the idea, you'll be given access to develop the app. If they like the app, they may give you some money. Otherwise, you can expect to have an app that connects to an API you no longer have access to. The author covers his recent experiences after engaging with Campbell Soup Global Head of Digital and Social, Adam Kmiec, to try and answer the following: "... my question to software developers out there who are thinking of devoting any real effort to a corporate hackathon like this is, “Why?”"

Comment What games keep me from being productive? (Score 1) 951

WTF did you just ask me?

Guess I'm not the target for the question but I use to be an avid gamer, sometimes 30-50+ hours a week only so many years ago. Even today, when I pickup a game, I just have to play it through like a long movie with ramen snacks during downtime.

With that said, I've been primarily working from my laptop which is running linux, and I just don't play games anymore b/c it's inconvenient. I dont want to dual boot, I've messed with wine for over 10 years, and the only game I'm actually active in right now is EVE Online. I run the client in VMWare Workstation 8 on an intel video card of my laptop.

Id like to see steam for linux b/c then I'd have a no nonsense way to see what's available for my platform and who knows, maybe I'd be playing again. If there's some crazy insane awesome sauce windows game that causes me to divorce my wife and disown my kids, I have an old desktop in the corner collecting dust I can play it on.

Comment hi debian (Score 2) 646

Wow, glad I just finished setting up Debian testing on my new x230 and migrated to Debian stable on a personal server I while back after the uefi bit. Ubuntu got me into Debian and away from slack and gen too from way back. Been good Ubuntu, bye.

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