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Comment Re:Which force? (Score 1) 284

AFAIK Centrifugal force was debunked. It was the "force" that pushes stuff out into a circle when you spin it around (like a rock tied to the end of a string). This is actually just inertia - objects in motion (the rock) try to continue on in a straight line, and the string applies centriPetal force towards the center of the circle - forcing the rock to move in a circle around the center point (your hand).

Submission + - Students show dramatic drop in empathy (psychologytoday.com) 1

MotorMachineMercenar writes: Several news sources report that today's college students show a precipitous drop in empathy. The study of 14,000 students shows that students since year 2000 had 40% less empathy than those before them, and the article has a laundry list of culprits, from child rearing practices and self-help movement to free market economy and income inequality. There's also a link so you can test your very own level of narcissism. Let's hope slashdot crowd doesn't break the lack of empathy -counter.

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