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Comment Re:As always, guidelines are for beginners (Score 1) 262

I think the classic one is error handling in C. Usually each error case has some standard unlock all the locks; free temporary objects; close files, etc. Instead of copying & pasting for every error, put it at the end of the function and do if (error) { goto error_handler; }.

Dosn't apply to C++ though since you can use exception handling. I think modern compilers will even convert the exception into a goto in many cases.

Comment Re:That's not a bomb, it's a clock! (Score 3, Informative) 657

It would be nice if we stopped painting entire organizations, professions, states and countries every time a story like this comes out.

If the head of an organization (e.g. the Irving PD Chief) says something in their capacity as head, it's supposed to reflect on the organization. That's why they've called a press conference; are responding to interviews; etc. is to explain the position of the organization (although not necessarily the position of the members of the organization). If they give a dumb response it reflects poorly on the organization, the same way as if they give a good response it reflects well on the organization.

The rest of your post is either a straw man or you're responding to the wrong post. I didn't talk about any of those things.

Comment Re:Regeneration (Score 1) 269

I'm not the poster you were originally replying to. Not that this changes anything of substance, but just so we're clear.

You mentioned "covered in tree sprouts". Cut down a tree and you will get dozens, sometimes hundreds, of competing saplings in its place. But those eventually will be whittled down to only one or maybe a few surviving trees in the long term. It wouldn't be accurate to count those samplings on a 1:1 basis for replacing lost, fully grown trees.

Fair enough. But my naive assumption would be that absent land use changes (such as converting the land to farmland) logged forest would eventually, through naturally processes, regrow into a similar forest. Forest management practices would merely either (1) accelerate this process, and/or (2) favor the growth of more economically profitable trees for future harvesting.

Comment Re:Regeneration (Score 1) 269

You have to take into consideration land cleared for building or agriculture where trees won't be allowed to regrow. If those types of land use are happening at a higher rate than other uses where trees are replanted or allowed to come back naturally, then you will have a net loss.

This is true, as far as farmland expansion, but doesn't explain why toilet paper & timber are counted as a net loss.

Even in those areas where they are allowed to regrow naturally, there will be attrition as the trees grown and compete with one another for space, light, and resources.

I don't see how this follows. The old trees also competed for space, light & resources.

Comment Re:The one true language (Score 3, Insightful) 429

I find being able to read assembly incredibly useful when debugging optimized C/C++ code. In my experience it's not infrequent for a debugger to not be able to find the value of a variable in memory, even on lines where the variable is being passed into a (non-inline) function.

And debugging optimized code is required a fair amount when fixing performance & reliability issues (when the problem may disappear on non-optimized code), and embedded (where the program may not fit on the device without optimization).

Comment Re:LTS (Score 1) 167

Not the OP, but Ubuntu does have the point releases (i.e. 12.04.1, 12.04.2, etc.) on LTS. You're not generally not required to use them, except if there's a security patch which applies to a package included in a point release. In this case I believe Ubuntu will only publish a patch on the updated package.

Comment Re:Comparison? (Score 1) 257

Intermittent doesn't mean not reproducible. E.g.: A claim that "Saving file XYZ fails 0.001%" of the time is reproducible. Attempt to save the file a > 1 million times. If it never fails, you can say with high confidence the problem does not exist as described. If it fails ~10 times, you've reproduced the problem.

Comment Re:Now that's just evil (Score 1) 515

"Linux has already removed the reason of needing VM's for running your applications thanks to the control groups kernel feature."

That doesn't work with many bits of my software. To run multiple worlds in the game I'm creating, I need multiple separate server VMs with their own IP addresses for server linking and physical separation of game content. I can't just run the server application multiple times in the same instance. The game engine software was not designed to operate like that.

Linux cgroups can give each container its own interface, with it's own IP address, and also lets you give each container it's own file system. See the man page

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