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Comment Re:safety (Score 1) 110

Again, Mars One is not likely the best vehicle for human space exploration. Again, it may be that some highly indemnified commercial project is going to be the path to human exploration outside of the local area. The question asked is if Human Exploration provides some huge benefits that justify huge costs. I do not believe the answer is an absolute no. It could be that there is a path to paying for this in a productive manner. When we regularly spend half a billion dollars on a movie, including advertising and distribution, a couple billion on a space mission is not hard to think of. As far as competing manned and unmanned mission, this is where the commercial venture comes in. Where government tax dollars are often seen a zero sum sort of situation, the free market is not. A commercial human project to Mars does not exclude robot missions any more than humans climbing mountains precludes aerial tours of the same.

Comment Re:What he really said (Score 2) 681

There are a lot of highly educated people, doctors, lawyers, computer scientists, who do not have a good grasp on the scientific process and what it means when a scientist reports a result in research. Most think that they are reporting a immutable fact, which is completely wrong.

What worries me is that these people who think they are so educated are not really able to differentiate between what they know and what they don't know. I would say that a course in philosophy might fix this, but that would fix the issue of ego that is probably at the root of the problem.

Comment safety (Score 0) 110

We have been lucky we have no stranded ,alone, on an alien world. People have died leave and coming back to earth. That safety has costs a huge amount of money. Compare that to other explorations, the number of Europeans who were lost or starved to explore what is now the US. Look at Jamestown, a commercial operation, and the number of people who starved or froze. More than likely such risks are unacceptable to us now. Going to a literal new world under less than ideal conditions, where a dozen people might die in a horrible way, is probably unthinkable to us now, with our instant communication and seemingly endless food supply.

It is not something a government is going to do. That is why it is unlikely that humans are going to leave the earth local area for a while yet, at least on a government craft.

What we have to ask ourselves is there is value to actually being there. If there is value in actually learning to live in the harsh environment, to see what it is really like. We know that going to space is hard because no matter how carefully you try to work things out, there is always a gotcha you forget about. It is working out these problems in real time that teaches us how to cope and survive. This is true even in regular life, and some people fail, and die early. I clearly think there is a value to actually being there. I think that we do not have the technology to bring people back, so setting up a system where there is an even chance for some heroes to live out their lives and explore the planet would be good. If it is ok for someone to climb mount Everest even though several people die every year, but not to explore another planet? Mars One may be a scam. I don't think we are going to be able to explore other planets in person without higher risks than we have accepted thus far.

Comment Re:disclosure (Score 4, Interesting) 448

At the base it is disclosure. Papers should have a note of who is funding the research. Sometimes that funding is obfuscated because the money goes through shell non-profits. This is why government funding is so useful. But there is nothing wrong with independent funding, as long as it transparent. When Al Gore was big, he never hid his objective or funding. Likewise Green Peace and PETA are generally transparent. OTOH, when Philip Morris was trying to push cigarettes as healthy, most of their research was far from transparent.

This is interesting, because despite the diplomatic title of the post, many if not most researchers who are publishing against man made climate change are funded by people who are going to lose money, at least short term, if man made climate change becomes a political reality. To be sure the improvements to industrial processes are going to create a whole new class of very wealthy people, but those who will no innovate will be left behind.

Comment textbooks cost money (Score 2) 139

Back in the day, kids were given textbooks. Six classes of textbooks cost $600-$800. They get lost, damaged, and cost a fair amount of money to keep up with. Some districts try to force the teacher to pay for books lost by the students.

If we assume that students still need textbooks, giving those textbooks on an iPad or similar device can be cost efficient. If the student buys a keyboard, the iPad can do much of what they student would do on a regular computer. One can even teach the basics of programming or web development on the iPad, if there is a server running somewhere they can telnet to.

Of course the iPad is different from a book because the iPad is worth real hard cash, and the market for stolen iPads is robust. That is a hard problem to solve. It is the same problem with calculators. Students steal them and sell them.

At some point education will enter the 21st century and kids will have computers, and we will just each the cost of stolen machines. If we are to have a trained workforce, kids need to learn to use computers as tools, and that requires an acquaintance with them. We have not had a powered machine quite like the computer. The closest thing would be the car, but the car is not a general work device.

The biggest problem to educating our children is the idea that 'they don't need a computer'. I am fortunate in that in the 80's my family did not believe that. If they did I would be as ignorant and underemployed as so many who graduated in the last century are.

Comment Re:That's a stretch (Score 1) 266

The reason i almost never buy a PC is that the prices are so low the manufacturers are basically forced to provide these addons so they can get a little profit from each sale. If I do have a PC, I usually have my own install and wipe was comes with the machine.

Comment Re:FDA == slow progress too (Score 2) 80

Also the washington post reports a John Oliver story that most pharma companies spend more on marketing than research. A number of stories has come out over the past few years indicated that phramcos essentially pay doctors to prescribe their drugs.

The real issue here is the idea that medical science is in fact a science. It may have elements of science, but if science is to flourish we must root for the null hypothesis, and there is no incentive in medical science to so do.

No, everyone want to believe the snake oil works. The desperate patient who wants to believe the snake oil will magically cure the illness. The doctor who is going to be paid a huge sum of money to promote the drugs. The legislators who need to win the next election. The regulators who want to get a job after they do their government stint.

I would support allowing risky drugs to be used for terminally ill patients, even children. What I don't support is the routine use of drugs we know are dangerous, and then the litigation after the fact, which arguably a major reason drugs are more expensive. Don't put dangerous drugs on the market, and the pharmcos would save billions, if not ten of billions.

Comment Re:What do you expect? (Score 1) 252

I looked at the AP exam a while back. I found it to be, like so many AP exams,too much trivia and minutia for my tastes. I am all for a clever well written exam, such exams can be a wonderful teaching tool, but it can be taken to extreme. Plus we are making the same mistake we made with pascal, choosing a language for pedagogy rather than practical application.

I myself was taught FORTRAN when I was 14 in a one year high school course. The first grading period we solved problems, wrote algorithms, learned the vagaries of pre-pc computing, and learned to behave. Then we spent the rest of year learning FORTRAN, complete with coding sheets I picked up at the university bookstore.

This included recursion, and we used the only reasonable example one can give a high school student. The Fibonacci series. I assume that everyone has coded this by the time they 18. Like the swap function.

It is not so much that there are not simple and meaningful things kids can code to learn the proper technique. It is just that most of these are already part of the library, so kids are going to balk or copy or just not do it. For instance it would be great for kids to learn linear algebra by coding it, but how we can justify it when the row reduction is already part of most libraries.

Here is a little bit of AP trivia. In AP Physics they want kids to collect data and practice a least squares fit by hand. They note that computers do this now, but it is good experience. It is like AP CS. The kids are not being trained in basics, so they really don't know how anything really works. CS should be a craft, physics should be a process, but it is not always being taught that way.

Comment Re:He should have seen that coming. (Score 4, Insightful) 327

I find that some kids are just well protected. They never have to really deal with the consequences of their actions. We have seen some high profile cases where a kid gets to college, do some stupid thing, hacking, drinking, sex, and because they have never had to deal with consequences they fall apart, even commit suicide. In this case, who knows what other trouble he has caused and how he has been protected from consequences.

It is unfortunate the the law has to be called in because the kid did not have the guidance or the sense to stop anti social actions on his own.

Comment retcon much? (Score 4, Interesting) 99

A lot of this had to do with WWII and advancements in technology. WWII produced an increased literate adults who in turn produced children who read. It also lead to a shift in the demographics of readers, namely more men read, which lead to their sons reading. In the 1940's this was mostly lead by magazines who published short stories, novella, or series of science fiction written by most of the names we know from the classic period of science fiction.

One of these authors that was writing before 1950 was Robert Heinlein who first published in 1947 and had established serious science fiction by the mid 1950's.

What lead to the popularization of science fiction, arguably, was the technological innovation in print. That is, printing paperbacks was cheap enough so that even if very few books sold, it was still possible to at least break even. The advent of the paper back is like the advent of direct to video movie. Lower risk, more titles, profits are driven by the few that sell well, the rest are pulped.

So this is what those publishing houses invented. Pulp Fiction.

Comment What could go wrong? (Score 4, Insightful) 157

MS probably tests upgrades more than any, but a few computers usually go nuts after an upgrade. You can blame the open hardware of MS computers, but then think of apple. They have very closed hardware in the iPhone, but still a few iPhones go nuts after upgrade.

Automatically upgrading non critical systems makes sense. Upgrading the working of a car through a insecure interface is nuts, automatically more so. You leave work to go home, the upgrade failed, you are stranded. Someone hacks the interface, upgrades you car to their car, you no longer have a car.

I am sure people are going to attack dealers over this as well. But when I needed the firmware of my car upgraded to allow the new commutation standard, I drove the car to my friendly ane highly reputable dealer, they upgrade the software for free, made sure everything still worked, and I did not have to risk the upgrade would brick my car.

Comment Re:You can be assured... (Score 0) 645

Not sure if ISIS a left leaning group. I mean it is made up of religious extremists, which are typically right leaning. Soerign nation people who go out and kill cops for fun probably don't consider themselves atheists. The people who protest abortion clinics with pornographic signs for anyone passing to see are probably not atheist. People who murder doctors often use right wing christian thinking to justify their actions. I think Fox News was able to post such a video because it's audience is desensitized to such things. When a cop kills an unarmed child, many Fox News viewers blame the child. Extremely graphic movies such as Passion of the Christ are of no issue to those who pay attention to Fox News. And, of course, as mentioned, they see no problem with walking around with pornography for all the children to see.

Comment Re:As a parent, which requires no testing or licen (Score 1) 700

A kid not in preschool is part of the 50% who are still home schooled until kindergarten, so you compare development to others who have been schooled. That said not all public schools are the same. If you live in the suburbs your choices are pretty limited, but if you are in a city and your kid is a good test takers, there are lots of options. That is what saved me. While many people I knew moved to suburbs to get a half descent education, I aced my test and by the time I was 8 was going to the top and challenging public schools. At these schools I had access to equipment and professionals beyond what most home schooled can get. I would say for the first few years school would be good. If you can't bare public school, charter schools are acceptable for the young who educational needs are often basic. Private schools are a good option.

Comment Re:Farewell, TRS-80 (Score 1) 242

There was a time when Radio Shack had the parts that one needed to build stuff. I remember going with my father to get a vacuum tube to fix the stereo amplifier. Then I would go by myself to get soldering irons, potentiometers, whatever I needed. It was expensive, but not outrageously so for single pieces. It also had the first handheld that competed with the HP, the TRS-80 handheld. I spent many hours programing. I also spent many hours writing on my Model 100 and Model 200.

I blame the demise of Radio Shack on the fact that no one building electrical equipment or electronics anymore. I don't mean plugging boards together, or hooking up an Arduino, but actually taking components and building.

20 years ago the only other electronics parts store moved out of our city. Without radio shack there really is no place for a inner city kid to go with a little cash to buy some stuff and throw it together.

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