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Comment Re:Efficiency (Score 2) 904

3.75 billion kwh/night * 365 nights = 1369 billion kwh/year, or almost exactly 1/3 of our yearly energy production of 4093 billion kwh.

One third of our energy budget going into automobiles is certainly a significant portion of yearly production, but not nearly as impossible as the above math made it sound.

Add solar and wind power, new generating stations, etc., plus not everyone will switch over to electric immediately.

Comment Re: Free? (Score 1) 703

Don't forget, though, each student has 5 or 6 professors to pay per semester. 5 * $625 = $3125 times two semesters is $6250. Add in your 25% overhead/utilities, which seems low, and its already up to $7812. Then you have to have at least some administrative staff, unless you are going to do degree planning, financial collection, pay all the bills, and do everything for youself, plus IT, librarians, computers, etc. etc. That $10k seems like a pretty reasonable value, actually.

Comment Re:IOS has the same problem (Score 0) 289

Yes, but will a system from 2003 be as useful, even though the OS is still supported? Remember, you're talking about systems from the Pentium III era, 750MHz or less, with 512MB or less of RAM.

That's more like the mid-range system I had in 2000. Not a huge difference, but it would be 13 years old at this point. My computer from 2004 that I still use regularly is a P4 2.4 GHz, with 4 gigs of ram. It runs everything I need quite well, with the exception of some of the fanciest new games. Even those would run with reduced graphics if I had to play them on that tower.

Comment You FAIL (Score 1) 768

Criteria 3 is a FAIL. Just because something may benefit a criminal is no reason to take it away from an innocent person. Cell phones, vehicles, even guns, take your pick. These things all benefit criminals more than innocent people*, and yet no one is calling for them to be taken away en masse. Even the gun lobby just wants to regulate guns, not take them away from every person.

* Take cars for example. Innocent person uses: drive places, haul things, etc. Criminal uses: drive places, haul things, etc, PLUS get away from crime scenes/police, run over enemies, hide drugs, etc. For every 'thing' that can be used by a normal person, a criminal has those same benefits, plus some additional crime-related uses.

I'm going to extrapolate that to relate to laws as well. Even if a right may aid a criminal in some cases, how do you justify taking that right away from innocent people?

Comment Just cancel (Score 1) 2

Generally if you use a service and they send you email updates, that would not be considered spam. Maybe you don't like the emails, but by maintaining your account, you are agreeing to receive them. The way to 'unsubscribe' would be to cancel the accounts. Since you state that you don't use either account, that shouldn't be a big deal for you. The other option would be to look in the preferences for the accounts. Some services allow you to turn off email notifications of various types.

Submission + - HTML5 storage bug exploitable in Chromium, Safari, Opera, and MSIE. (

Dystopian Rebel writes: A Stanford U comp-sci student has found a serious bug in Chromium, Safari, Opera, and MSIE. Feross Aboukhadijeh has demonstrated (safe link: that these browsers allow unbounded local storage. Aboukhadijeh has logged the bug with Chromium ( and Apple but couldn't do so for MSIE because "the page is broken" (see Oops.

Firefox's implementation of HTML5 local storage is not vulnerable to this exploit.


Submission + - New Bill Would Require Patent Trolls to Pay Defendants' Attorneys (

Zordak writes: "According to Law 360, H.R. 845, the "Saving High-Tech Innovators from Egregious Legal Disputes" (SHIELD) Act of 2013 would require non-practicing entities that lose in patent litigation to pay the full legal costs of accused infringers. The new bill would define a "non-practicing entity" as a plaintiff that is neither the original inventor or assignee of a patent, and that has not made its own "substantial investment in exploiting the patent." The bill is designed to particularly have a chilling effect on "shotgun" litigation tactics by NPEs, in which they sue numerous defendants on a patent with only a vague case for infringement. Notably, once a party is deemed to be an NPE early in the litigation, they will be required to post a bond to cover the defendants' litigation costs before going forward."

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