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Comment Re:Dictionary? (Score 1) 664

" the use of pandering statutes and pimp statutes against pornographersperhaps the initiation—the enactment of new statutes prohibiting the hiring of women for commercial purposes to engage in sexual activities"

That is not regulation, that is banning the creation of porn.

Comment Re:Shouldn't? (Score 2, Insightful) 176

While I have no idea whether the overheating issues are actually true or not, every single site that talks about it have the exact same screenshot and video, and despite the artifacting in the video the overheating warning never seems to come up. So either the overheating protection doesn't work at all, or something else is causing the artifacting.

Comment Re:hope & change (Score 1) 323

And McCain would have been better? Since losing he's made it clear that he's bought and paid for by the telecom industry. I think the real lesson to be learned from this is that we're fucked regardless of who we vote for, and the US is in an irrevocable downward spiral. Train's pulling out folks, perhaps it's time to get out while we still can.

Comment Re:Burn your PS2 games (Score 1) 145

What I think you like is pissing and moaning, actually. You could easily buy a new PS2, but won't. (Hint: $99.99 for a new PS2 slim off Amazon). You could see if the games you want to play are actually compatible with PS3, but won't, despite being handed a link detailing exactly that. Let's be honest, you have zero interest in your "problem" being resolved, you just want to have a bitch fit.

Comment Re:Much Ado About Nothing (Score 1) 198

Even if you leave your door wide open, anyone who comes in without your permission is still trespassing. Your sympathy or their laziness has no impact on the legality of collecting data off a network you know you have no business being on. If they'd just pulled and saved the SSID and MAC address then I'd have no problem with that, but why in gods name were they snooping any deeper than that to begin with?

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