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Comment Summary (Score 1) 60

Can't wait to receive an email summary of a meeting like this:

  • 10:01am: Larry asks if anybody would like some coffee, he just made a fresh pot
  • 10:05am: Karen goes on full on rant how her computer hasn't been working for over a month. When asked if she reported it to IT, she said "she didn't know she had to do that."
  • 10:15am: Sales rep Brad, tells collegues about his weekend escapades on Tinder.
  • 10:20am: Team lead arrives to meeting, 20 minutes late
  • 10:22am: Team lead asks if everybody received the email that details what the meeting will be about.
  • 10:25am: Multiple team members start asking questions that should have been left for 1-on-1 meetings, verses wasting the entire team's time.
  • 10:58am: Meeting ends. Another meeting has been scheduled for same time next week to discuss previous meeting.

Comment Same old Google (Score 1) 10

Why is with Google I only hear about something AFTER it has been cancelled? I swear Google Execs come up with these ideas, release them into the wild but fail to tell anybody about it. Then they cancel this same idea 6 months later because nobody uses it. Maybe the product isn't the problem Google, but the lack of marketing/awareness. I work in IT and I have had multiple generations of Google phones, going all the way back to the Nexus S days. You think if anybody knew of the "Pixel pass" it would have been people like me. But nope... So no wonder it failed Google, you forgot to tell anybody it was available.

Comment Re:Lose weight (Score -1, Flamebait) 182

I agree. Just before the pandemic I took a 20 hour flight to Africa to climb Kilimanjaro... sure it sucked sitting in one place for 20 hours, but it wasn't nearly as bad as some people make it out to be. I think the people who complain about seat size/comfort are like you said, obese who probably sweat putting their carry on in the overhead. It seems to be trendy to blame society for poor life choices instead of taking responsibility.

Comment Re:Screentime (Score 2) 69

Same, I had never heard of Fandom. I suspect, the numbers are skewed as most people I know my age (in 40's) don't game anymore usually with the excuse "I don't have time for that." I do game still but much less than I did when I was in my 20's. Working full time, with a partner and kids I am lucky if I can game for an hour a day. 22 hours a week is impossible. I suspect that the majority of 30-40 year old's on Fandom, don't have kids and therefore have more free time to game. They would also have more disposable income to purchase more games to help keep them engaged in gaming. I think that if Fandom were asking this question on the street to random people the numbers would change drastically.

Comment Re:40 years! (Score 1) 55

Ahhh yes contrasting views... I forgot we can't have that in 2023. Please don't frame it like I have some kind of mental disorder because I posted something you don't agree with. Look, my post helped generate conversation in this thread, that was the point. That is what conversation is, the exchange of views that can differ from your own. If you only want people to post who think exactly the same as you, go retreat to some echo chamber on reddit or something.

I wish Star Wars was good, I love sci-fi, I love fantasy, so indirectly I do have an interest in the article. Star Wars had the potential to be something great... unfortunately it is not and hasn't been for a VERY long time. Just because I am no longer invested in the franchise, doesn't mean I can't contribute to the conversation. And No, my intention is not to troll people it's me stating MY OPINION, which just happens to differ from yours.

Comment Re:40 years! (Score 1) 55

I don't care, I merely made a two sentence comment of my opinion on the subject, does this offend you? I thought the original trilogy was average at best and has been followed by 6 movies that are utterly forgettable. I don't understand why so many people continue to watch these movies after multiple decades of mediocrity. Who knows though, maybe they will get it right on the 10th installment right? haha.

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