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Comment Re:Makers and takers (Score 1) 676


I really love that last one, because people KNOW It's a glitch; they KNOW they don't have unlimited EBT funds, but yet they will still claim that they weren't abusing the system. Bollocks.

As for the statistics, I definitely spoke too broadly, but my views are still consistent because I have seen first hand accounts of this type of activity. I can't find any interweb pagez to support my claim currently, but I still stand firm that the amount of low-income subsidiary services are abused and we need to keep closing loopholes.

Comment Re:Makers and takers (Score 2, Informative) 676

But I guess we are supposed to assume that 70% of the money we pay in taxes is spent on welfare on top of the 50% that goes to foreign aid and 30% on interest and 400% on nasa and 50000000% on foreign wars....

Whoa, whoa, whoa... 70% + 50% + 30% + 400% + 50000000% = more than 100% -- How could they possibly spend more than they bring in?!?!

Comment Re:Makers and takers (Score -1, Troll) 676

How many? Do you have stats on this? Furthermore, how much would it cost to fix this? Would we actually end up saving money?

There are plenty of stats on the subject, and the amount of pervasive abuse is also apparent. We may or may not be saving money, but that's not the point. It would change America's mindset. If suddenly the "freeloaders" and system "cheaters" couldn't extract cash from an ATM with their foodstamp card, then they would have to go about it a different way.

There are plenty of cases where people live in gov't funded housing, get food stamps, slang drugs and have more than I do as professional. Take away the gov't funded housing, and suddenly they have some skin in the game... makes fuckin' sense to me. Maybe they find other avenues of illegitimate income, but maybe they don't. Either way, if we keep closing loopholes, eventually they have to do it the way I am.

...anyone in here who thinks any gov't can print money till they die without repercussions to the middle-class is a fucking nutter.

Comment Totally Agree (Score 1) 237

My sister recently purchased the Ford Fusion with all that technology packed inside, and It's by far one of the nicer infotainment systems on the market (IMO) -- but posters in here are getting it right. Fingerprints all over the mainstay console display is just ugly as sin only days after a fresh bath, so she always resorts to using the capacitive/hardware buttons.

Then there's the voice command stuff everyone is talking about. Again, all great for the one or two uses I get out of it when I borrow her vehicle for a day, but she never uses it and again, returns to using hardware buttons. Bare in mind, she is very technical, so she's used to all sorts of different interfaces and operating systems.

The bottom line is that the screens get dirty while already clunky, and the voice command stuff is still too much like talking to a computer. Until you can have easy conversational interaction with your device (or vehicle), neither interface is adequate as a replacement for current in-vehicle systems.

Comment Re: (Score 2) 1034

I was wondering why the hell he thinks he needs to drag a laptop to a movie theater....

A motorcycle is my only transportation... are you seriously suggesting I leave my bag attached to my bike? Because if I left my tablet/notebook in it, I would guarantee it wouldn't be there when I got back. His rant isn't actually outrageous, you're just trying to make it seem that way...

Comment Re:It's pretty simple (Score 1) 371

Holy Dear God mod parent up to "+7 Thank You Snowden".

No... I will not thank Snowden. As much as I value some of the things that have come to light due to his leaks, I still feel his actions are treasonous.

On the other hand, consumers need to wake the f*ck up and smell the roses; by the mere fact Apple used to do something very noble to protect their users, and they silently removed that wonderful protection, should warrant an inquiry to Apple with the appropriate responses. I don't need a landing page on Apple's website to inform me every time they remove a feature I've counted on, but some sort of justification from the company for their actions to better let me (the consumer of their devices) decide if I want to purchase their products in the future.

Comment Re:EASY (Score 5, Informative) 310

If you don't let me fix them, you will have to take the blame.

Word to the wise. Don't ever tell your boss what they need to do. I've been in the work force for over fifteen years, and this holds true for small business all the way up to large enterprise.

Best case, you've aggravated them and they will retaliate somehow. Worst case, you've aggravated them and they will retaliate somehow.

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