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Comment Re:Most important of all? (Score 5, Insightful) 305

C (and its derivatives) power almost all web servers in use today, and without servers, there's no web. Most browsers are written in C++ today, JS saw the light of day working inside browsers. A lot of programming languages have their main implementations written in C (Ruby, Python, PHP). So, yes, C/C++ are still important in the days of the web.

Comment Re:HTML 5 (Score 1) 349

MS Office for a resume? Last time I checked, LibreOffice/OpenOffice.Org can produce valid .doc files. But personally, I wrote my own resume in LaTeX, it looks a lot better than anything you can do with a "productivity suite".

Comment I'm Egyptian (Score 5, Insightful) 137

they only brought back the internet to make people go home without internet,more people joined the protests because they had nothing better to do anyway now,people are urging others to join the protests via social networking sites I don't think the Egyptian government can do anything about these protests really,other than stepping down,that is

Comment NIO? (Score 1) 270

never really used the NIO API,and never saw a reason to,it's not even included in the SCJP exam,which is the basis for all Sun certification

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