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Comment PassWindow could have prevented this (Score 1) 144

My Passwindow method could have prevented this and cost practically nothing to implement too, the transaction verification method employed by the electronic tokens which do the transaction signing as explained in the article have the fatal flaw in that it requires user action for the transaction verification part. ie entering the website generated challenge and then their transaction destination account number etc (a very laborious process for the users). With passwindow the transaction information is encoded into the challenge and the user is forced to recognize it (not merely click an authentication button with some other devices) as it this info such as destination account number is cycled alongside the actual authentication confirmation numbers. Once you put up complicated user action hurdles if the attacker owns the browser it wouldnt be too difficult to simply instruct the user to do as you wish claiming a security test or some such. Honestly with the amount of digits required to be entered into both the device and terminal by the user (up to 40+ on some of the devices) Im not suprised it all turns into a blur of action for many users.

Submission + - A New Way to Outwit Internet Fraudsters (wsj.com)

Mattpw writes: PassWindow is a credit-card sized piece of plastic with no working parts but a transparent segment, upon which are printed some vertical or horizontal lines. Meaningless in themselves, but align them on the screen over an image, and some of them form recognizable digits. That's the authentication code.

Comment Time to revisit oldschool phishing attacks (Score 5, Insightful) 116

With all the non latin address character sets being approved I imagine there is a world of new opportunities which completely void all the "inspect the address bar" education which was pushed on the general public for so many years. ICANN has managed to turn the net into a pretty much anything goes place, almost every major company is practically extorted into buying the new extension flavour of the month to prevent spammers and fraudsters sending seemingly legitimate email and the general public is left completely confused with no guiding address principals.

Comment Re:Electronic OTP card is highly vulnerable (Score 1) 103

When I originally came up with the idea it seemed that 4 digits in 16 columns was going to be cracked in about 10 interceptions, with some careful management of the challenges we could get it up to around 50 but we still felt we might have to deploy a virtual keypad with it which didn’t sit right with everyone. Sadly it was at this point I first went on a TV in Australia and got a front page Slashdot story where the response from security people wasn’t great as nobody wants to hear 10 interceptions, the real breakthrough was by separating the digits into single frames of an animated loop and then using a unknown subset of those challenges as the authentication code is when the entropy really took off. So now the attacker has only a very vague probabilistic idea of which digits went to which frames in the challenge and where in those frame columns they might be. Because there is only 1 digit in each frame there is effectively a much wider ratio of possible locations for the digit too. There is some information about the cracking algorithm method in the whitepaper. The curious thing about this animated method is that the smaller ratio of digits to total frames exponentially increases the difficulty of analysis which in effect means smaller password are more secure than larger passwords (If the total number of frames is steady) If you take straight up guessing out of the equation a 4 digit in 10 frames challenge is exponentially more difficult to crack than a 6 in 10. Of course since it doesnt affect usability at all so we turn up the number of overall frames to keep the ratio low and essentially get extra security for free. The next problem for the analyser is the character set, many people don’t realise there are many ways to represent a 1 and others like 6 or 9 or 7 all have multiple versions of themselves, you essentially double the assumed character set. For the analysis we assumed the attackers know exactly which character set is being used and we also assume that 80% is the cracked level of a key is enough to assume it is broken, so I think we are quite generous when the analysis was done. There are actually 3 serious security adjustments which multiply the amount of interceptions, first is the ratio of digits to frames, second is the number of columns in the key and third is the level of obfuscational noise. After that there are a bunch of extra measures which can be easily taken such as increasing the screen challenge proportions and using random offset alignment markers, multiple rows in the key, and a few simple tricks which destroy the analysis permutations. The important thing is doing it the way we are doing it the analysis difficulty gets exponentially difficult with small tweaks so high interception numbers are easily achieved with reasonably sized keys. For the original static challenges we don’t recommend them at all for online authentication as there is no real cost to moving to the animated method and in fact some people report they prefer the usability of the animated method.

Comment Re:False security (Score 1) 103

Thanks I was just about to respond with the same answer, actually apart from that the usability of those devices is terrible. The demonstrations i have seen require 40+ digits back and forth from token device to terminal with no room for error. This is just too much for the average joe of the world to handle on a wide scale and many of the implementations of this I have seen the managers know this and simply dont enable that feature on their devices. To top it off as you mentioned if they control the browser there are lots of games attackers can play with switching account names. The devices are ridiculously big enough already with the necessary long life numeric keypads, to add a full character keyboard onto them would just be too much.

Comment Re:False security (Score 1) 103

I am not associated with Magtek but at least they are offering a solution, you cant call it snake oil as it has been widely deployed (in Chile) and has worked quite well by all reports. Their technology security argument seems as strong as anyone else's argument. The question to you is whats the alternative? Magtek requires new read heads to be installed, EMV requires entirely new hardware and the new smartcards to go along with them which cost $2 a pop which by the million is no small change. The bank managers ive spoken to in emerging countries simply cannot justify the costs and neither solutions solve the biggest worry which is online CNP fraud. Until there is a better alternative solution banks must act on what they have in front of them now.

Comment Re:Electronic OTP card is highly vulnerable (Score 1) 103

Regarding the personal attacks, ie hidden cameras etc actually I came up with a really simple solution, you tint the transparent background to a 75% darkness which appears almost black in normal lighting but then when placed over a electronic screen the key segments are clearly visible, most people just dont realise how bright the average screen is. From playing with it I know I would have a much easier time surveiling my OTP token screen with a hidden camera than the tinted key pattern. The best thing is that this doesnt cost any extra as the tinting is done with regular ink used to print other text on the cards. Of course if the attacker can get the card off you and out of your sight then with a light setup he will be able to take a photo of the card but in that scenario all devices fail. We have run the regular tinting through regular photocopiers which only saw black. The card factories are excited about reflective laminates and special angle viewable inks but of course that would all increase the cost so once again the security gain from these tricky solutions is only marginal compared to the free tinting idea (a similar situation with the electronic tokens) of course a purpose with a budget which is prepared to spend more than $1 per user could have special tinting effects for better protection.

I am letting clients choose their own tinting level based on their customer demographic and how likely they will be authenticating out in public. Ideally I would like to see tinting levels customized for individual users, ie if ($member_age>60) $tint = 40% etc

If you would like a sample card I am happy to mail a free one out to you if you put your details into the website contact form. Ultimately there will be alot of customizing going on for different uses and different levels of paranoia.

Comment Re:Electronic OTP card is highly vulnerable (Score 1) 103

Regarding deductive trojan analysis of PassWindow, you are correct each time the token is used a tiny bit of probabilistic information is leaked in an ideal trojan attack. Since this is the only online attack the method faces everything fom the beginning is done to eliminate that specific threat. When we generate a new key and associated challenge data we assume a trojan is intercepting all the challenges and all the correct user responses. Since the combinatorics inference is entirely predictable we can deduce exactly how many interceptions an attacker would require to break the newly generated key pattern. By tweaking several parameters of the challenges without even increasing the key size we can easily achieve interception rates up over 10,000 interceptions which means that in an attack situation assuming a user authenticates or logs in once a day for 27 years the trojan still wouldnt have enough data to crack the key pattern. Much higher interception protection rates can be easily achieved however it is technically unecessary and indeed is adjustable on the fly to make sure the an assumed attacker never gets anywhere near enough information. Of course the server keeps a track of every key's number of authentications , its pre analysed interception crack number and the life expectancy of a card is usually no more than a few years so this method of attack doesnt appear to be feasible.

Of course the main security advantage over expensive electronic OTP tokens apart from the cost is the ability to do transaction authentication preventing all trojans from doing harm at a fundamental level without hassling the user to enter in transaction information into a large electronic authentication device.

Weve had an electronic version on the table for awhile but the costs / reliability dont seem to justify the theoretical security increase and the odd extra transaction possibilities over the simple printed approach. In the future it will definitely be released but the card technology as shown in the article isnt really quite there yet. While it looks cool for an OTP the reality is cards go in wallets and wallets go into backpockets under backsides which can place enormous pressure on the liquid screens. I am sure the technology will improve in the future.

Thanks for the commendation, if you have any questions or theoretical attacks I am happy to talk about them, its really a simple idea and in some ways the simplicity leaves an attacker little room to manoeuvre for an attack.

Comment Re:False security (Score 1) 103

Yes I understand the Magtek solution was widely introduced in Chile and Argentina. I am not associated with the company and have no idea where its been implemented all I know is a bank manager there who implemented it said that cloning went to zero since they did, I like their cost effective solution to the problem which from the article above EMV which Europe has gone for is failing to solve. I dont disagree the OTP generators are not better than nothing and do add an extra step for the attacker but the trojans are taking that extra step and winning, often the use of OTP absolves the banks of any liability in the fraud so in some ways it could be worse than nothing. To be clear the article is a little misleading from the point of view the OTP security has nothing to do with stopping cards being cloned, its an online authentication system.

Comment Re:Electronic OTP card is highly vulnerable (Score 1) 103

Ah cheers, thanks mate, its hard pushing an entirely new method in such a conservative industry but ive finally got some banks implementing it and some online service networks in Asia where security was important. (Not in Australia yet however) Actually since the show ive improved it enormously, the main discovery was that I can do transaction authentication which prevents any type of trojan attack at a fundamental level and give it a security edge over the electronic OTP devices many banks currently use. The other difference is that you would have seen the static challenges on the show with static digits however I figured out that by animating single digits in an animated gif any deduction analysis on the challenge becomes exponentially more difficult and usability seems to have improved. You can see a demo at http://www.passwindow.com/ I wanted to show it on the grand final episode but the producers of the show had rules about introducing new material. Thanks again for the support.

Comment Re:False security (Score 1) 103

The OTP card shown in the article is purely used for online transactions. There is no hardware or method available for authenticating these OTP values in a personal way say at an ATM or a shop in these cases to prevent cloning they would opt to use the EMV secret key on the smartchip inside most cards, sadly there are ways around this too by tricking the devices that your card isnt running on the EMV standard so it goes into a non EMV mode. About the only solution which can fix the card cloning problem economically is the magtek.com method used in South America to cut cloning down to zero. They take a fingerprint of the background noise on the cards magnetic strip and then ad a special reader head to ATM's etc to check this fingerprint exists. The fingerprint is randomly created at time of manufacture and so is technically almost impossible to recreate.

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