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Comment Re:The Supremely Stupid Court (Score 4, Insightful) 420

What constitutes unconstitutional is relatively narrowly defined. Tenenbaum violated laws that have been on the books, in one shape or form, for centuries and are expressly blessed by the constitution. He did so knowingly, willingly, and unnecessarily

He's not upset because he thinks the law is unconstitutional. He's upset that the penalty was $600k+ for downloading 30 songs for personal use. Common sense would tell you that is unreasonable and might go against the 8th amendment against "excessive fines."

Comment Re:A bit hypocritical isn't it? (Score 2) 101

So the people who feel entitled to intercept everybody else's emails, text messages, instant messaging, social media usage, phonecalls, internet browsing, credit card usage, GPS driving data and much more, preferably without any legal warrants of any sort being required, feel entitled to having "highly secure means of communicating" when it comes to themselves?

I don't think it's going to be available to blackhat and defcon attendees.

Comment Re:Newsflash: they have drug dogs at Mexico-US bor (Score 2) 578

The reasoning is probably that large shipments are being smuggled in nearby, avoiding the actual border checkpoint, and then shipped on the interstate. By checking for shipments further along the highway they're probably more likely to catch stuff. As a side effect, they'll find lots of misdemeanors because of the dogs.
Just my two cents.

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