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Comment Re:WTF (Score 1) 815

How about the $4 billion bonus aid to Louisiana given to gain the support of Mary Landrieu?

Or how about how all student loans must come from the Bank of North Dakota, all to gain the support of Kent Conrad?

Yeah the Corn-husker Kickback was pulled out, but only because the tea party in Nebraska forced the issue and hoped by pulling it, it would save his seat. And now since it looks like he wouldn't win even with pulling it out, he's retiring... taking a bullet for the Democrat team so another democrat might get elected.

There are a couple of others... I recall there were five or so 'shady deals' pulled to get enough Democrats to vote for the bill (without reading it!!!). I'm still jaw dropped on how anybody can re-elect anybody who signed that bill. Nothing is worse than "Jam this down your throat" legislation. There was a CBS poll done right before the vote and it showed 80% had "DO NOT WANT" on it... but it was rammed through anyway.

Comment Re:WTF (Score 2, Interesting) 815

Why is wanting frugal government spending and lower taxes "not intelligent"?

To me, giving the government a blank check isn't smart. Remember when the Tea Party was formed, we were hearing "You must pass it in order to find out what is in it"... How STUPID is that? Would you sign a car loan that you didn't read, on a car you didn't get to see for 4 years, for a price that somebody else "kinda sorta" gives you an estimated price (that may (will) change)... How smart is that?

When the health care bill looked like there wasn't enough Democrat signatures to pass (didn't matter if 100% republicans voted against it, they didn't have any chance to stop it alone)... The glorious powers that be decided to try to have signed without being signed by waiting for enough people to go on Christmas vacation, then passing it with a budget (one of those assumed to be passed)... When that didn't look like it would work, congress members were flat out BRIBED! There was no shame and no effort to hide it. Congressmen got huge kick-backs for their home state if they changed to supporting the bill.

Is that the kind of government you want???

Comment Works for /. (Score 1) 290

Considering that /. has a gamification system in place for posts, and that it least in some cases.

Every post here has a score. Post something positive (Funny, member of the 3 I's, etc) and you gain points. If you post something stupid, try to flamebait, etc, lose points.

Points affect karma score, and also affects (I believe) getting points to give to others.

Now do I want to see gamification at my hospital... going into to surgery and seeing a score board for "10 pts for organ removed, 15 pts for replacement organ, -1 pt for every 20 minutes in surgery"... I wouldn't be happy.

Comment Re:drain bramage (Score 1) 684

Actually, I think that brain damage caused football here.

As (I think) Foxworthy put it: Helmets are proof we are the dumbest people around. We do something that has the hazard of cracking our heads open, and instead of stopping this activity, we design a helmet to prevent cracking our heads open.

Comment Re:Way too confusing (Score 0) 1264

Picard... force? Picard never forced anybody to do anything.

Want proof that DS9 is > TNG (and even Voyager for that mater). Q. in TNG, Q kept popping in and out and the Enterprise crew was helpless to him. Voyager crew same thing happened. DS9.... Q showed up once. Sisko punched him and Q never showed up again.

More proof. What happened to captains after the show ended. Kirk died helping Picard. Picard retired to a vineyard. Janeway became an admiral.... Sisko joined the profits and became a god.

How about ships. The Defiant had a Vorcha class warship pretty much at point blank range, constantly firing all weapons on her, when Sisko needed to beam surviors over... What did he do? Lower shields and start beaming. No problem. The Defiant came out pretty much unscathed, just one sub-system knocked out (The Romulan cloaking device). The Enterprise, nor Voyager (outside of the final episode) could take that pounding.

and Finally, going back to your roots. Star Trek is a western. Just a space western. It was billed as "Wagon train" to the stars. The first Star Treks even had bullet ricochets sound effects when phasers missed. DS9 returns to the western theme, as a "Tombstone" in space. You have all the classic western locals. The saloon complete with brothel upstairs, The sheriff, old country church, one-room school house, natives that are rather upset with the new-comers to the area, and some natives that welcome the new comers... Heck it even follows the Spanish-American war and the Fall of the Alamo...

TNG just turned into a soap opera. Worf's kid is having trouble in school! Oh noes!. Data has a date! How will it turn out! Picard has to deal with his feelings and sob on his brother's shoulder...

The order of Trek is: DS9, VGR, TOS, ENT, TNG, TAS... with DS9/VGR up to debate who is first. (I can see VGR in a close second, but I can see arguments for it being before DS9...)

(BTW: Feel feel free to downrate this. Just can't stand seein' TNG being argued better than DS9...)

Comment Re:Some article links... (Score 1) 344

By all counts, math, physics, biology, chemistry, there can't be life anywhere.

Life develops not so easily... The requirements are pretty strict. Lets go over them.
The Star: We need to have a star that is very stable, no binary stars, no pulsars, No dwarfs, no giants, just a star that gives out a very steady amount of energy. The wrong star could me by the time we are in a stable orbit, we are too cold, or too hot, or flooded with nasty radiation that could stop life all together. A "common yellow" does the trick, but one as stable as ours isn't as common as the implies

Next we need to work on the layout of the solar system. We need a planet in the right spot, in the Eden/Goldilocks zone. After that we need a moon around that planet to help with tectonic shift, and tidal affects (to encourage life). The moon has to be the right size to aid life, not to cause massive land/sea waves. Then we need a secondary gravity well, say.... Jupiter. This helps pull all the rogue asteroids into a nice belt away from our planet (we don't want the planet pelted non stop!)

Next we need to look at the make-up our of our planet. We need lots of carbon (or silicon), oxygen, liquid water, nitrogen (and I'm cutting the list short here) in abundance on the planet. we need the right amounts and we need land (even for sea life), sea and an atmosphere. We need a planet with an Iron core (or other magnetic substance) to create a magnetic shield to protect us from the sun. We need a the right rotation on the planet, If our days were as long as Venus' we'd be dead... Too fast doesn't work too.

Just getting the environment set up. We have eliminated vast majority of the planets out there.

Then we get into the improbability of life forming... That by itself is a mystery we have no clue on how it happened. "lightning stuck the mud" doesn't cut it in my book, and about as creditable as an alien playing SimEarth made life. It's a huge "Then the magic happens" moment...

Now before somebody says "Well the Universe is infinite"... No it is not. Somewhere out there is the Big Bang Event Horizon, outside of which nothing exists. the father out we go from the universe center (where the "bang" happened) the less complex elements we find, to the point where we don't find anything more complex than hydrogen.

So... Life cannot happen. If you run into something that looks like a life form, just know you are likely imagining it.

Book to read: Rare Earth: Why Complex Life Is Uncommon in the Universe.

Comment Burn the heretic! (Score 2, Insightful) 616

I like it when science can be challenged, reviewed. When theories can be questioned. When models can be tested and retested with out being called a heretic and locked in a dungeon until you conform.

If I question BFSS model in M-Theory, people consider it scientific, and willing to debate and explore alternate theories.
If I question the carbon model in global warming theory, people claim it's unscientific, and continue ad hominem attacks.

Comment One long phone cord.... (Score 5, Funny) 256

I'll share my own store of tech support blues...

Back in the day, I worked at a dial-up ISP. I was working in tech support, and working in the PC-Repair office, and while most calls were the "Your caps lock is on" and "The power is out, wait for it to turn on" issues. There were some fun with the PC-Repair office (Coffee stains in the CD Load-tray (the stories are true!), or the "I never used antivirus! I know what I'm doing" people that tended to wind up on our "Maleware Count High Score" board.

One day I took a call from a lady that said she couldn't send and receive email. She said she was on her cell phone so I had her walk through trying to get the email and get the error message - 680: No dial tone. So I asked her to make sure the phone cord is plugged in to the computer and the wall. She said her laptop didn't need to be plugged in using a phone cord. Well now I'm thinking she had a wireless network setup and about to go through those settings, when I noticed the sound in the background.... Traffic. She and her husband was in the middle of the road. She insisted that she could unplug everything and still get her email while on the freeway before. Ends up that laptop was their only computer (no home wireless). I told her she could send/receive email when she connects to a phone line again, but she demanded to talk to my manager, who confirmed everything I said. She ended up stating she would look for other services that would know how their systems run better... I checked a couple of months later and her account was still active. Guess no other dial-up internet company offered a hundred mile long phone cord.

Comment Re:WOW AOL is still alive (Score 1) 103

*raises hand*

My mother is still on AOL. They switched to a free service if you use somebody else for an ISP, and I know that there are a ton of people who still use it for dial-up service because there is no other option. If you live 20 miles into the country, there is no cable, and no satellite, and likely no cell data coverage. So unless you are going to drop a few hundred bucks to check email and view a couple of web pages... "You've got Mail!"

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