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Comment Re:Fool's errand (Score 1) 109

unfortunately thats not sufficient. you also need the us govt to throw you tens of millions in
'research contracts' that dont amount to anything, and have them agree to buy your overpriced
machines even though they dont really do anything useful

even then its a pretty difficult market

Comment Re:ITU, the folk who should run the WWW. (Score 1) 220

obviously you haven't worked with the itu in the past. they had a whole replacement for the internet worked
out. trees worth of documnets written in languages and metalanugages where the shift was not entirely clear. all
just to describe an ananlogue of tpc/ip

despite is inherent us-centrism i think the ietf did a great job.

Comment Re:HTML 5 Canvas tag (Score 1) 411

compared to alot of graphics standards, its actually reasonably terse. there are some the dro pshadow image processing and composition. the animation is a little nasty too. but generally if you ignore the ugliness of w3 encapulation and html-style syntax, its not any worse than gl, rendering libraries, or X

Comment Re:Don't make the pair programming compulsory (Score 1) 302

but not if it has no value whatsoever.

i really dont understand this fad. criticising other people's code is important. talking about whats going on and the cleanest way to express it is important. having design discussions is important.

so do detailed code reviews.

i really dont need to smell every fart someone makes to work with them.

Comment another perspective (Score 1) 537

some programmers view programming as language design. the construction of abstractions
and their composition is really the same as defining a specialized version of the parent language
with the desired semantics.

if you really care about the topic learn broadly about languages. about how they handle
things like scoping, composition, interaction with the runtime, types, and static analysis.
i guarantee that you and your future employers will benefit

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The most difficult thing in the world is to know how to do a thing and to watch someone else doing it wrong, without commenting. -- T.H. White
