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Why Hasn't 3D Taken Off For the Web? 320

First time accepted submitter clockwise_music writes "With HTML5 we're closer to the point where a browser can do almost everything that a native app can do. The final frontier is 3D, but WebGL isn't even part of the HTML5 standard, Microsoft refuses to support it, Apple wants to push their native apps and it's not supported in the Android mobile browser. Flash used to be an option but Adobe have dropped mobile support. To reach most people you'd have to learn Javascript, WebGL and Three.js/Scene.js for Chrome/Firefox, then you'd have to learn Actionscript + Flash for the Microsofties, then learn Objective-C for the apple fanboys, then learn Java to write a native app for Android. When will 3D finally become available for all? Do you think it's inevitable or will it never see the light of day?"

Submission + - Huge Meteor Blazes Across Sky Over Russia; Sonic Boom Shatters Windows ( 1

dovf writes: The Bad Astronomer analyzes incoming reports about the aparent meteoric explosion over Russia: "Apparently, at about 09:30 local time, a very big meteor burned up over Chelyabinsk, a city in Russia just east of the Ural mountains, and about 1500 kilometers east of Moscow. The fireball was incredibly bright, rivaling the Sun! There was a pretty big sonic boom from the fireball, which set off car alarms and shattered windows. I’m seeing some reports of many people injured (by shattered glass blown out by the shock wave). I’m also seeing reports that some pieces have fallen to the ground, but again as I write this those are unconfirmed." This is the best summary I've found so far, and links to lots of videos and images. He also clarifies something I've been wondering about: "This is almost certainly unrelated to the asteroid 2012 DA14 that will pass on Friday. See below for details."

Comment Re:Why bother? (Score 1) 74

Then dave562 you didn't stick around for the big bust. When Medal of Honor was released the cheats being used were from the pre-released copy of the game that still worked on the released version. Yes the cheating was bad then.
However PB was there but it wasn't not turned on yet and wasn't turned on until after the first game patch.
The situation of the game being released without PB being turned on, was a contractual thing between the company and EvenBalance. Once PB was turned on, it had an immediate impact with thousands of cheaters getting caught by PB. The game then settled down to being reasonably cheat free for quite some time until the usual next round of cheats and detection's as per usual.

Comment Re:Hackers rejoice! (Score 2) 74

Your whine is very old and has been discussed to death regarding script banning. Likely you are just trolling but I'll give you the benefit of ignorance to a point.

You didn't get busted for JUST having a hex editor and a macro/scripting application. So stop the bull. You got nailed for one a of several things. I have no idea what one exactly but for example: In some games scripting certain game actions is considered cheating by the game company. They want those actions done by the player and not some script. So the game company asked for this type of cheating to be detected. It wasn't detected simply because you had those programs. The detection looked to see if it was hooked into the game. A similar situation regarded a hex editor hooked into the game. Once again not simply and innocently for just having it on your comp.
There are other examples but I won't go through them all.

Some types of people got very upset by this rule. In many cases they claimed it wasn't cheating because it wasn't some cheat they downloaded or because they used legit programs to automate an action. They simply could not get through their head that just because the game allowed some scripting, but had a problem that prevented the game from people from hooking (or other method) the keyboard and then automating that input as cheating. To speed up manual actions that were intended to make the player do manually is cheating.

my whole point even though I used a couple of examples is that you just weren't innocent as you claimed if PB itself detected the cheat. Perhaps you are thinking of some third party sites that banned you from their servers just because you had those programs in your game directory. Not just anywhere on your comp but specifically in the game directory. They banned because those editors should not be there normally and many cheats loaded those programs into the game directory. So EvenBalance or PB didn't bust you. Some game server admins set that rule via a third party service. Like it or not those servers are privately owned and they set the rules not you.

Comment Re:punkbuster is worthless (Score 5, Insightful) 74

Sorry Requiem18th but you have no idea what you are talking about. You only think you know how PB worked. Hate to tell you but your blacklist idea was only a very tiny part.

  Impy the Impiuos Imp You are right. But it was far worse than you could ever imagine with cheat rootkits

I used to be involved in this area for over 15 yrs. One thing that is very common in cheating are cheats sold/subscribed to over the internet. Having over the years examined these pay cheats, that claim to get around PunkBuster (PB), I have a few insights to share. Many times eventually PB would nail them, counter to claims on the websites. Usually when the numbers using the cheat make it worthwhile for PB to go after.

But here is the very serious side these cheats most don't know.
It's no surprise in finding out the cheats are rootkits, but the surprise are the extra payloads they carry or will carry when they get updated in time. The thieves that write the cheats don't stop at stealing the fun out of the game. Several of the bigger sellers in the past were also serious criminals. It was very common for them to hijack your comp to be used in their private botnets or to rent out. The other common theft were your logins and passwords. Many parent were surprised to find their credit cards, banking info was compromised, but worst was identity theft. These cheat criminals often stole directly from the sucker, but more often would just sell your info to others. One German cheat writer thought he was really smart. Once the client (usually a kid) stopped subscribing to his cheat, that was when he loaded up the nasty payloads. He made more money of this theft method than the cheat subscriptions he sold. All those past customers were the gift that just kept on giving.

As for Punkbuster as a product. Once it matured as a product it did a decent job at catching cheats for a long time (I haven't followed this stuff recently). One thing for sure. Valve's VAC was the worst product by far. Valve would only catch a tiny portion of the cheats as compared to PB and VAC very rarely ever caught private cheats. VAC also had the worst error rate of false detection. Sorry to vac fans but those were the stats.
I don't do this work in the game industry anymore, but I don't think things have changed much in the last few years.


Punkbuster Service Goes Down, Hundreds of Online Game Servers Affected 74

MojoKid writes "PunkBuster, the anti-cheating service implemented in hundreds of online games, is down. As of the time of writing, the official PunkBuster website is up and down, after having been completely down for the past couple of hours. On Twitter, there are numerous reports of gamers who've been unable to play online in the most popular PunkBuster-backed title of the moment, Battlefield 3. EA has gone as far as to post an interim fix. Applying the fix is a simple matter of extracting an archive and then overwriting a couple of files inside of your Battlefield 3 install folder. While EA has little power over PunkBuster's ability to get things 100% functional again, this issue does highlight the fact that third-party solutions are not always the way to go."

Comment 20 years’ imprisonment, $375,000 fine, or bo (Score 1) 2

Well they can have my drone, when they pry it from my cold dead hands. This bill seems to put more priority on using drones as a camera platform than anything to do with safety. Seems the senator Floyd has reason to worry that someone might catch him at doing something perhaps he shouldn't be doing. Or is his worry someone might have reason to launch a missile up his ass? The paranoia in Oregon reaches new heights when this is considered more dangerous to public safety than enacting some basic gun control on owning a bazooka or sub-machine gun.

Comment Re:Ignore them. (Score 1) 2

Agree with above but there is a flaw in that. They are likely just trying to bleed money out of your company, knowing it is cheaper to pay them off, than going to court. Admit nothing and keep demanding exactly what and how there is infringement as was suggested. Unfortunately they don't have to tell you what exactly the infringement is. They can simply keep making the demands until the time in the court process when they must do a disclosure to the court and you. By that time, your bills will be huge and growing, even before you can defend against it. They hope to either win financially without court action, get an injunction to starve you out, or outright bankrupt your company, long before a court resolution occurs. A win win for them. Unfortunately it seems US law is badly in favour of patent trolls long before any justice might occur. Even if you win you lose, as your company may never recover enough to ever get back what was lost. Only deep pockets can fight this type injustice. Not only does a company lose, but so does the consumer. Higher prices and technology advancement that is retarded because of this imbalance. The perversion of the patent system, the madness and greed continues.

Comment Re:My Theory (Score 0) 264

Crooks, thieves and liars Dalton Mc'dumb'ass has doomed Ontario to far more than just high electrical rates in his quest to pay off his past electoral financial cronies. Cronyism is alive and well in Ontario. Dalton took Ontario from a have, to a have not, province now entitled to transfer payments from the other provinces for the first time in its history. All while destroying it's manufacturing base. Not just the loss of traditional jobs as we knew was coming anyway, but failed to replace those jobs with even one hi-tec job of the future. Such hugely bad contracts with Asia for example. They were to build factories for all the windmills and solar panels to first supply Ontario so to replace oil generation but to then have those job continue to sell to the US etc. As soon as those contracts ended, the Asian companies pulled out, closed them down, laid off the workers. On top of that, there were never any customers to sell to, that wanted overpriced panels and windmills. Cost to taxpayers ran into the billions. Not only did Dalton make Ontario over pay for those alternate energy systems, but less that 1.0% of Ontario power is generated by them at best of times. No oil fired plants can be shut down without a net loss to the Ontario grid because the sun only shines in the day and the wind doesn't always blow. So oiland gas fired plants have reopened. Back to square one after billions spent. In fact, during The hottest days for the last two summers, not one watt was generated from the Kingston island wind farm, because no wind blew during those heatwaves. No power could be sold onto the shared US/Ontario grid, as there was already a glut to the point that penalties were paid for over generation, to the point of another $20 million loss to Ontario taxpayers. The disasters continue. So Dalton resigned as Liberal leader of Ontario. Now the Liberals have placed their hope to regain the right to rule in some unknown person. The liberal hope to capture the vote by the party electing a leader that is 1: A woman, 2: A lesbian, 3: A white, aging baby boomer. If that isn't being disingenuous I don't know what is. Since when is being gay and a woman qualification to lead a province. White aging baby boomer is only slightly relevant because I guess they couldn't find a gay, female, minority. Voters won't care as they eat cold dog food in the dark in order to pay off the provincial debt and their electric bill. Shifting the balance of power even more westward, to the oil patch in Alberta. Thanks Dalton. Sorry for the rant, but it needed to be said in support of mashiki's post above.

Comment Not always as it may seem (Score 2) 39

What the originator must think about before forming an opinion.

Don't read motives of the Chinese from a western perspective. China's leaders and its people have never been exposed to or experienced free speech, and/or anything resembling democracy in their history. Understanding the why, or even if this is a significant development isn't so easy.

The only thing I read in that. They did something that caught the attention of any people or organizations that look for a political, democratic, human rights, free speech, or any shift in China to ward western values.
But for me, after decades of reading and past history as examples about China. Anything westerners may perceive or think resembles western values isn't necessarily or even close to what is going on. There just isn't that kind of common ground except that china does understand what makes westerners wet their pants.

Comment The bigger story (Score 1) 2

The big story here is how evil this story really is.
Benevolent corporations strike again. If you can think up the most evil things a corporation could do, you are already to late. They have long ago studied it to see how your dream could generate or increase profits.

In the case of this story. Not only has this idea been around for a while, the movie companies, cable and others have always wanted a way to charge by person since VHS days and early cable that charged by TV connected. Thanks to kinect and the evil ideas by MS willing to carry it out. Now pay per person is within their grasp. As TV's begin to include cameras just like smart phones all have and as TVs converge to become giant smart phones, the market is then covered to a point of new mega profits within reach.

you lost the right of ownership of cds/dvds by being complacent. Now you will give up the privacy of your home by letting the corporation litterally strip search you and monitor who you associate with in your own home.

Not such a far reaching nightmare anymore is it? It's about to get much worse.

Comment Very worried (Score 1) 1

In case no one has noticed. The stories and cases of drug resistant bacteria along with the lack of interest by pharmaceutical companies, have been circulating for years now.
Nothing to see here. In fact now you can go blind.

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