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Comment Re:Obligatory Sun Tzu (Score 1) 376

As others have said, "like" is the only action on Facebook. There's no "hate" button, there's no "passively follow this page", "you have a valid argument" or "this vaguely interests me". "Like" carries a connotation, when used in day-to-day language that doesn't carry over onto Facebook .

Just the other day, a friend posted something about his father dying. Other than writing one more "sorry to hear that" response, the only option is to "like" it - that didn't mean I was happy about the news, just acknowledging that I read it & feel sympathy.

Comment Re:Life is supposed to get Better, not worse! (Score 1) 589

Assuming you're an American, your parents grew up reaping the benefits of their parents winning WW2. Europe lay in ruins, Asia had not yet industrialized and America was making money hand over fist helping everyone rebuild, using the technology we discovered during the war.

Unfortunately, they got addicted to prosperity and, rather than work towards a long-term, sustainable situation, they were more than happy to outsource production & innovation to get cheap crap at Wal*Mart. They were more than happy to build their prosperity on the rapid consumption of non-renewable resources. They were more than happy to build sprawling suburban shitholes to create the illusion of property ownership.

Even looking at the Military Industrial complex as a source of jobs and wealth - they saw how well WW2 went for us so they wanted to replicate that. What did we get instead? The Cold War, Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan and countless wars nobody but those who served will remember. WW2 paid dividends - we helped modern, Industrialized nations defend themselves & made money rebuilding them. Since then, we've just been pissing money away in dirty Third World shitholes that will never pay us, as a Nation back (but definitely pad the wallets of the fat cats defense contractors).

It's not that opportunities are being taken from you, it's that we've spent the last 75 years living far beyond our means & these things you grew up expecting should never have been the norm.

Comment Re:Huh? (Score 1) 342

McD's constantly shovels $1 cheeseburgers out the door, basically at cost, hoping to sell high-margin things like soft drinks or tempt you into buying premium items. They routinely have 2/$4 on Big Macs. Adjusted for inflation, these things have been falling through the floor for the last decade as well.

Comment Re:Honestly? (Score 1) 630

Exactly. OP's first problem is that he's easily replaceable, unskilled labor. You're at a desk, but it's not really an 'office job' in the sense that you have to use any real intellectual capacity to do the job. You have to expect to get treated like shit because you're not really bringing anything more to the table than a fry jockey at a fast foot restaurant.

Comment Plan 9 (Score 1) 268

Look into Plan 9. While it never really got off the ground commercially, it's the successor to Unix. All resources are distributed over the network & storage servers know how to manage multiple levels of storage, being able to move data from 'fast' to 'slow' as it ages.

Comment Re:laws (Score 1) 1127

We're dealing with a dozen people here, not some giant megacorp with thousands of seats to fill. When you're hiring for an environment this small, you can afford to be choosy. When hiring those first 10 guys, he should have been careful to not pick misogynist assholes - not because of liability but because those people are generally assholes to everyone around. If you have people acting inappropriately just because there's not women around, it means you've already hired the wrong people. People are probably already comfortable, it's just hard to make "I had to work with a douchebag" lawsuits.

Similarly, when hiring the first woman into an all-male group, you can afford to make sure you don't have some lawsuit-happy, thin-skinned, man-hating ultra-feminist. You're not hiring person N+1, you're hiring a team-member & considering how they fit in with your existing dynamics is just as important as the skills they bring on board.

Comment Attention Whore (Score 1) 627

Mann's a fucking attention whore. Period.

This isn't evidence of some rampant campaign against the disabled, it's one guy getting hassled at one store out of over thirty three thousand, the majority of which are fucking franchises. Even from his own incredibly slanted report, he did nothing to deescalate the situation when some ignorant dumbfucks took issue with his gear. Yeah, what happened to him was bullshit, but to try calling out the entire corporation because a few minimum wage monkeys at a single store fucked up is ridiculous.

Comment Re:Learning markup (Score 0) 370

The real barrier to entry is knowing what the fuck you're talking about. Picking up some wiki markup is easy if you're not a fucking retard. PCWorld has just proven they're irrelevance by claiming that wiki markup is too hard - send them out to pasture with an iPad and a copy of Angry Birds.

Comment Re:Are these people insane? (Score 2) 394

Consider the time scale we're working with here. Ancient Rome only stood for about a thousand years. The subsequent dark ages lasted about 700. Humans have only really been building "civilizations" for about 15,000 years. We're talking about recording information for stuff that might be dangerous for twice that long. We need to communicate with people that are further away from us than the people who discovered ceramics.

That's a lot of time for things to horribly wrong. While €25,000 seems like a lot of money for a drive, it's really small peanuts compared to the overall costs of storing the waste. On top of that, right now is the best time to invest that money - when we have resources & the stability to undertake the project. If civilization were ever to crumble, we'd probably be a little distracted & not in a good place to put permanent warnings up that don't require maintenance.

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