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Comment C++ is the only logically option (Score 5, Informative) 407

C++ is still very much a living, actively developed language. There's a lot of people using it for modern projects. It's well supported under pretty much all modern operating systems & you have excellent tools available under Linux.

There's not a lot of reason to pick up Objective C unless you plan on targeting Apple. It's pretty much a dead language everywhere else, outside of a few niche projects.

Comment Re:A different set of pros and cons (Score 1) 700

Check out for a more knowledgeable community

Reddit is great for finding people with the same interests and viewpoints as you. It's a shitty place to find critical discussion or unorthodox ideas. Between the insular nature of specialized subreddits & the conformity-promoting nature of the voting system, you're going to find incredibly one-sided information. It might be good information, but there's seldom room for other viewpoints.

Just as an example, there's communities of opiate addicts, anorexics & self-mutilators that support & promote those lifestyles.

I'm saying this as a long-time active Reddit user.

Comment Re:Missing (Score 2, Insightful) 245

People stuck on "cheap hosting solutions" don't pay good money to developers to develop software for them. Cheap hosting solutions don't even come close to scaling to anything beyond a blog for a local business.

Unless you've decided to work on a bottom of the barrel open source CMS/Forum system (a market that's pretty much saturated already), the argument that "PHP is the only thing we can run" is just not relevant. Maybe it carried some weight ten years ago but it's a non-issue these days.

Comment Re:5th Edition kind of sucks (Score 1) 59

The beauty is that you can still buy and play all the old stuff. There are both official reprints of the old 1st & 2nd edition games as well as free/low cost clones of everything pre-3rd edition (the Original game as well as the early "Basic" box set games). A great many of the adventure modules are available in both PDFs and hardbound reissues of the more iconic ones.

As for the price of the books, $20 in 1980, adjusted for inflation is $57. It's still hard to swallow when you can buy a printed copy of Basic Fantasy for under $5.

Comment Re:Agreeing? (Score 1) 641

Social media popularity is an extremely poor metric. That's more based on fads and marketing than usefulness.

So you're saying that node.js isn't going to take over every aspect of computing by 2020?

Comment Re:Really? This is a problem! (Score 1) 398

It reminds me of tobacco tax they tried to push through a few years ago in Oregon. They claimed that it would both reduce smoking and provide funding for children's health.

Either one of those things was wrong or they were setting up a healthcare program that would run out of money in the next few years.

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You know, the difference between this company and the Titanic is that the Titanic had paying customers.
