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Comment Re:Meanwhile in the real world... (Score 1, Informative) 427

If natural systems can sink all supposed manmade change, why could natural systems cause all the change too? If the natural sink capability massively underrated too, what's to say there's really a cause to worry at all?

If we really will be screwed by society being forced to change due to climate, what's to say we won't be equally or greater screwed if we're forced to change due to policy? If natural variability is underrated as suggested by the previous paragraph, what's to say we can't be fucked over twice; first by policy and then by natural climate drift? Unless you're denying ice ages we already know that natural drift have a very wide range.

What about the people with stake in large multinational wind and solar producers claiming we can save ourself with all-renewable society? Are they saints incapable of lying, or could it be that any alarmism and climate hype serves their cause and fills their pockets?

Why should we listen to people like you who claim that we're bound for disaster with certainity, while at the same time IPCC is revising their predictions downwards for every new report released. Why should we suppress the debate by claiming it's all settled when it obviously isn't?

Why is polarizing hardline rethoric constantly used by environmentalists? Why is the pro-agw side always the good side and everything else is universally bad? Could it be that you're not actually seeking facts to improve earth science, but just want to advance your activist agenda and shallow ideological belief?

Comment Re:Talking Point (Score 0, Flamebait) 427

Why should I trust a non-peer reviewed blogpost from the PR outlet of the people finding themself in an embarassing pinch due to the catastrophic failure of their models?

Why should I even trust their peer reviewed material when it obviously have minimal to no predictive power and by their own admission have become a failure due to temperatures being wildly divergent to their models/guesses.

What functions do peer review fill when the peers are just as clueless as the authors but just happen to share the hunch or opinon? We might as well use anonymous online polling.

Comment Re:What's so American (Score 5, Insightful) 531

Should your google queries be put in a slow lane with 10k ms ping because they didn't fork over $100 mil for premium service?
Should netflix pay premium for every mb because they're a "high bandwidth user" or face throttling to speeds where compression drops to 120p?

Should ISPs be allowed to have an even more oppressive position than they already have?

Comment Re:Global Warming? (Score 0, Troll) 273

a) What about the hiatus?
b) instrumental data from the layers of the atmosphere does not agree with the proposed mechanisms of stratospheric heating or whatever was suggested.
c) human CO2 emissions are naturally absorbed, just not as fast as we emit it. but given a) and b) and the fact that CO2 is non toxic and improves plant growth I see no reason why we should care about that as opposed to particulate pollutions and toxic emissions.

Comment Re:Every week there's a new explanation of the hia (Score 0) 465

Current climate models are useless and needs to be reworked, observations have contradicted their predictions and the fundamental assumption that "CO2 = main thermostat, everything else is irrelevant, lets make a wildly increasing graph and alarmist claims" have been wrong from day 1 and very much not scientific at all.

This paper doesn't change anything at all. It's just a restatement of a year old apologist paper.

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