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Comment Re:A-list? What? (Score 4, Funny) 471

Yeah, see, telling a non-sports-loving, non-American nerd (me) that Lebron James is the basketball equivalent of Peyton Manning doesn't help, because then my next question inevitably is: Who the hell is Peyton Manning?

I suppose neither one of these guys has managed to have dozen mistresses at once, because I sure do know who Tiger Woods is.


MIT Researchers Harness Viruses To Split Water 347

ByronScott writes "A team of researchers at MIT has just announced that they have successfully modified a virus to split apart molecules of water, paving the way for an efficient and non-energy-intensive method of producing hydrogen fuel. 'The team, led by Angela Belcher, the Germeshausen Professor of Materials Science and Engineering and Biological Engineering, engineered a common, harmless bacterial virus called M13 so that it would attract and bind with molecules of a catalyst (the team used iridium oxide) and a biological pigment (zinc porphyrins). The viruses became wire-like devices that could very efficiently split the oxygen from water molecules. Over time, however, the virus-wires would clump together and lose their effectiveness, so the researchers added an extra step: encapsulating them in a microgel matrix, so they maintained their uniform arrangement and kept their stability and efficiency.'"

Comment Re:Looks like the discrediting is well begun (Score 2, Interesting) 116

You gotta hand it to the CIA. When they attack something like Wikileaks, they really take the long view.

Well, I don't see anything in the article as being particularly discrediting to Julian Assange. It appears that he has a secret past involving nomadic life and computer hacking. I don't know about the rest of you, but considering his current career pretty much consists of being constantly on the move and publish classified documents online I find that amazingly non-shocking.

Not that the CIA might not be involved in this, they might, what do I know? But if they are, they are either taking the long, long, infinity-can-be-seen-on-a-good-day-long view or are just really inept.

Comment Re:You cannot block information; firewall=fail (Score 2, Insightful) 275

I understand the motivation for blocking interactive sites for paedophiles to exchange their revolting material, but a static public information service?
Epic fail.

I'm always skeptical when a relatively harmless activity gets banned in order to "prevent" another, more dangerous one. Child pornography is illegal, and rightfully so. But restricting an entire nation's access to the internet in order to make things more difficult for pedophiles? I don't see the benefits myself, but then I am neither a computer genius (understatement!) nor from Australia, so perhaps I'm missing something.

Personally, I'd rather see increased effort in tracking down the bastards and throwing them in jail.

Comment Re:Risks (Score 1) 309

I remember growing up, it was common advice... Don't use your real name online. From then till now people's perception of the risks, yet the risks remain the same.

Not just the risks! The whole online world is changing and evolving annoyingly quickly. And although it makes me feel depressingly old, I'm SO glad my party-like-a-rockstar days were over before youtube and camera phones were everywhere. Kids today grow up with a very different view of sharing personal info, photos, videos and the like than before.

Twenty years from now we'll probably be suspicious of a politician who doesn't have a sex tape. And if it doesn't involve at least one member of each sex besides her/him, latex and a pineapple, (s)he'll probably never get elected anyway.

Wireless Networking

A Wireless Hotspot For Your Car — Why Not? 135

nk497 writes "UK mobile operator 3 has unveiled a wireless hotspot for cars. It's essentially a repackaged version of their MiFi wireless router, which lets users create their own wireless hotspot using the 3G network. While drivers will hopefully steer away from using the web at the wheel, 3 predicts the mobile hotspot will let passengers entertain themselves as well as offer a hookup to email, music and traffic data."

Submission + - MIT Making Super Efficient Origami Solar Panels (inhabitat.com)

ByronScott writes: Could the next solar panels be in the shapes of origami cranes? They could be if MIT power engineering professor Jeffrey Grossman has his say. Standard flat solar panels are only optimized to capture sunlight at one point of the sun’s trajectory — otherwise they need automated tracking systems to follow the sun. But Grossman found that folded solar cell systems could produce constant power throughout the day sans tracking and his new designs are up to two and a half times more efficient per comparative length and width than traditional flat arrays.

Comment Re:More than expected (Score 1) 394

"Better safe than sorry" really means "I would prefer to satisfy my irrationality rather than admit I'm wrong/learn about something"

(No offense to your mom, she's hardly unique in this respect)

None taken! Although, to be just, I think she really means "I would prefer to satisfy my irrationality rather than admit I'm wrong *to my child*". It's not so much an unreasonable pride thing as it is an unreasonable parent thing.

Just so we're clear on how exactly we're insulting my mother! :)


An Animal That Lives Without Oxygen 166

Julie188 writes "Scientists have found the first multicellular animals that apparently live entirely without oxygen. The creatures reside deep in one of the harshest environments on earth: the Mediterranean Ocean's L'Atalante basin, which contains salt brine so dense that it doesn't mix with the oxygen-containing waters above."

Son Sues Mother Over Facebook Posts 428

Most kids hate having their parents join in on a discussion on Facebook, but one 16-year-old in Arkansas hates it so much he has filed suit against his mother, charging her with harassment. From the article: "An Arkadelphia mother is charged with harassment for making entries on her son's Facebook page. Denise New's 16-year-old son filed charges against her last month and requested a no-contact order after he claims she posted slanderous entries about him on the social networking site. New says she was just trying to monitor what he was posting." Seems like he could just unfriend her.

Facebook's Plan To Automatically Share Your Data 142

Giosuele sends in this excerpt from TechCrunch: "In anticipation of a slew of new features that will be launching at f8, today Facebook announced that it was once again making changes to its privacy policy. One of the biggest changes that Facebook is making involves applications and third-party websites. We've been hearing whispers from multiple sources about these changes, and the announcement all but confirms what Facebook is planning to do. In short, it sounds like Facebook is going to be automatically opting users into a reduced form of Facebook Connect on certain third party sites — a bold change that may well unnerve users, at least at first."

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"It says he made us all to be just like him. So if we're dumb, then god is dumb, and maybe even a little ugly on the side." -- Frank Zappa
