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Comment Why does it need to BE uncensorable? (Score 1) 47

However, it should be breakable: if Yale changes their website so that the extension no longer matches it and thus cannot scrape it, it should break.

Then it just turns into a pissing contest over who's willing to update their site/extension for longer.
Or maybe the extension is updated to cache the data on your computer and manipulate it there.

Cat and Mouse games will not suffice. Yale is going to have to face this head on.

Somebody explain to me just WHY Yale would have a problem with the same data presented differently. If they're going to this kind of trouble to stamp it out, it must pose a threat of some sort, so what is it?

Comment Re:Security? (Score 1) 84

I just love this meme on Slashdot. Instant Worse Case Scenario. In fact, instant OMG! Meteor-Strike-Worst-Case-Ever scenario. First off, it's not a ventilator - nobody dies instantly if the app doesn't work.

If I were this company I'd be more concerned with people claiming to have followed the app's advice and become worse because of it. Our litigation-crazed society makes it inevitable.

Comment Should we trust the newer crypto currencies? (Score 1) 237

I was thinking the other day that if I were a technically-adept, enterprising dirtbag, I'd invent a crypto currency with hidden security defects that only I knew how to exploit (at least in the short term), let a bunch of it get created and then use the defects to swipe a ton of it and cash it in.

Comment Don't check important items (Score 1) 894

Don't put important stuff in your checked luggage such as flutes that you earn your livelihood with. At least if you have them in your hand luggage you can put up an argument. Maybe you'd have to go so far as returning to your country of origin rather than submit to having them confiscated, but at least you'd still have them. Not to mention the possibility of having stuff stolen by the baggage inspectors; there have been plenty of those sorts of stories.

Comment Re:All or nothing (Score 1) 903

Contraception is something that allows you to manage the unexpected.

> In the olden days, by which I mean pre-Obamacare, you could indeed "pick and choose" what procedures and medications your policy would cover.

In other words, there are no standards and no concept of consumer protection. Corporations are just free to run roughshod over you. This could be your fundie employer or your crass insurance company that has an obvious conflict of interest.

You have no clue about Guilded Age you seem to long for so much.

Every state has a regulator for insurance products. If there are problems and you want to address them, that should happen as close to the people as possible, not in a one-size-fits all central bureaucracy that believes it can control all. And of course, back in the guilded age I lived thru but am clueless about, the INDIVIDUAL had the ultimate power: one could ditch the fundie employer and/or the crass insurance company. Not so easy now. Some markets (and I use that word loosely) have but a single insurer.

Obamacare is ultimately going to prove unworkable, as evidenced by the ad hoc and chaotic delays, changes, and demands that the Obama administration is making almost on a daily basis. The only question is how much suffering and expense is it going to take before that's acknowledged, and what's going to replace it.

Comment Re:All or nothing (Score 4, Insightful) 903

You either have healthcare or you don't. No picking and choosing what procedures or medications fit your chosen lifestyle.

A) This is supposedly about health *insurance*. Insurance is for contingent, unlikely, but potentially costly events. Contraception is none of those, being completely knowable, 100% predictable, and inexpensive.

B) In the olden days, by which I mean pre-Obamacare, you could indeed "pick and choose" what procedures and medications your policy would cover. It's the central conceit of Obamacare that Big Fed knows best and is going to make sure you get it, pounded down your gullet if necessary.

Comment Re:iDesk (Score 1) 234

Kids are just going to destroy, abuse, and lose the expensive tech.

You are overgeneralising. My youngest son goes to a school that uses iPads. The kids all take their iPad to school every day, and after one and a half year, his one is still in perfect condition, and I think the whole class had one 'accident' over that period. The school found a pretty simple solution to prevent this: the parents pay for the iPads themselves...

Contrast that with the experience at the Los Angeles Unified School District. After distributing take-home iPads at some schools (to be used for taking standardized tests, digital books, classroom notes, homework, etc.), the kids discovered how to defeat the protections that kept them from being general-purpose tablet devices, and proceeded to use them for gaming, social networking, etc. The schools demanded them back and only two-thirds were returned. LAUSD didn't yet know how they were going to handle that, since so many of its families are poverty-stricken and, many being illegally present, don't exist in the financial world for LAUSD to go after the money. Last I heard, the schools still had the ones it got back locked in a closet somewhere, and LAUSD had delayed indefinitely the rollout of iPads to more schools.

Comment At this point what difference does it make (Score 1) 118

By all accounts, there was some testing done, however inadequate. Thing is, the system utterly failed that testing and THEY DEPLOYED IT ANYWAY. If you're going to ignore the testing, why even do it? Just throw open the doors and hope for the best. Which is what they did, apparently.

Comment And now for something that might actually happen (Score 1) 489

This doesn't affect the nation at large the way a split would do, but there's a California group that's just gotten approval to start gathering signatures for a ballot initiative that would create an Assembly district for every 5,000 residents, and a Senate district for every 10,000 residents. They wouldn't all go to Sacramento, but rather themselves designate from among their number the same number of representatives (80 Assembly, 40 Senate) for each legislative body as we currently have. The advantages are said to be a kneecapping of special interests' ability to influence elections, a drastic reduction in the amount of money needed to get elected, and a much more diffuse and responsive legislature. Additional details via the link. I haven't made my mind up about this, but it's an interesting idea.

Comment We just rescued some data (Score 1) 189

A couple of us just rescued some 20-year-old data that had been stored on 3.5 inch floppies. We actually had to go to one of our old retired colleague's houses because he was the only person we could find who had a computer with a floppy drive capable of reading them. Even so, some of the data was unrecoverable.

I know probably the best option right now for preservation in digital form would be several copies on CD/DVDs of the proper archival type, but I'm wondering if there are any free online services such as Amazon Web Services (which has free accounts for limited usage) where there'd be a prayer they'd keep it around for decades. After all the stuff that Google has abandoned over the years, I'd never count on them, but is there anyone else who might be any better?

Comment Re:High unemplyment and we suddenly need more robo (Score 1) 157

Automation like this only benefits two groups, factory owners and the consumers of the product. Owners want more profit and consumers want cheaper goods. The big loser is the worker who is left without a job.

Labor and capital can be visualized as occupying the two sides of a seesaw. As you increase the utilization of one, the other will become less utilized. With labor becoming increasingly expensive, business will naturally do its best to replace it with capital (i.e. equipment), because that's the most cost-effective route. The only way to stop that from happening is to somehow drop the cost of labor, and I don't see how that's possible in today's political climate other than to have government subsidize it. There'd be a lot of pushback against that from both sides of the political spectrum ("Don't subsidize evil corporations!", "Don't prop up crappy business plans!"), so I don't see that happening in the foreseeable future.l

Comment Re: Human error (Score 1) 157

Except with Obamacare, it's the law that you have to use the 1.0 buggy release.

It seems like you are conflating the website with the law. You do have to get insurance, but you do not have to use the website.

If you are entitled to a subsidy, the website is the only way to get it. Direct applications to insurers won't receive one.

Comment Re:Bipartisanship (Score 2) 494

When both parties work together toward a common goal, we can put a man on the moon.

When both parties work against each other, and try to stop each other every step of the way purely for their own political agenda, we can't even launch a damn website.

When party A thinks what party B did was an extremely bad idea and very harmful to the country, is it logical or even realistic to expect it just to shrug its shoulders and help out?

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