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Comment Re:How is this carbon negative? (Score 1) 228

If you burn plants and release CO2 equal to the amount they needed to "breath" in order to build themselves, that is carbon neutral

If you instead of releasing that CO2 are turning the CO2 (directly or indirectly) into C you are removing all of that CO2 from the normal carbon cycle.

Imagine doing this to every plant for 1Million years. At some point all the carbon in the world would be in the form of charcoal, and there would be no CO2 in the atmosphere. Not advised, but thats how.

Comment Re:Looks European.... cue the conspiracy... (Score 2) 302

yes. by living in or traveling in the US you make an implicit agreement to accept the currency of the land. You can move your business elsewhere if you dont trust the dollar. It would require a lot of effort, but thats your problem if you view it as "backed by nothing". Using this currency also comes with rights of the land, so (independent of whether you want it or not) you get the protections and regulations that come along with it. This is a part of participating in a society where people are not altruistic and we require laws and order, whether or not you agree with all the laws and regulations as they are.

Submission + - Naked Juice ClassAction (nakedjuiceclass.com)

Dthief writes: Class action lawsuit against Naked Juice (of PepsiCo) successful.

Up to $75 for anyone with proofs of purchase.
$45 without

Comment Re:Sounds good to me (Score 1) 555

So the person who bought small round objects and left them around a 4-year old should be responsible....the company that made something really fun should?

this is not a product that is inherently dangerous in any way, its only dangerous if you really pervert the use by any mode of insertion (oral or other).

Comment Re:Potentially you can also: (Score 1) 180

"The emission rates were similar to those measured in previous studies of several other devices and indoor activities, including cooking on a gas or electric stove, burning scented candles, operating laser printers, or even burning a cigarette." You might not have known it, but its a scare tactic if you read the last part. A better title would be, "Despite slight emission of nanoparticles, 3D printing is safer than many activities you already do."

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