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Comment Re:What's going on? (Score 1) 778

Heey, don't say that, Canonical's biggest contribution to the open source world has been to Gnome as they created a a set of icons. Accidently that is pretty much the only contribution they have made upstreams.


Not quite - they have made other contributions. They are, however, just contributions - not commitments. They could have done things the IBM way by funding development in the areas of their interest (x86 gnome desktop) or the RedHat way - build their own and feed it back to the upstream developers in consultation with them, or even the Google way. But they chose to piss off the Debian community instead.

In the case of Kubuntu they chose to piss off their users, and the KDE developers too.

Ubuntu - it's unique. You don't get Mandriva (or whatever it's called this week) and Mephis users pissing off the RedHat folk, and I can't recall any of the users of the many Debian-based distros clogging the Debian-user lists and forums. (sigh). When (space)Shuttleworth first announced the intentions of Ubuntu I was as impressed as I was by Kennnedy and Obama.... so the question is not, where did all the love go - but why did I believe there was any in the first place. I've just spent half an hour searching and can't find any trace of the original announcements about Ubuntu's plans for those left out of the "Digital Revolution". Just another Camelot that turned out to be true for only a very limited few.

I'm looking at ewe Johhno fanboi Bacon

Comment Re:Free software (Score 1) 778

Because you're not only supposed to follow the license but all the unwritten rules of the free software hippies which usually includes not making money from it. Because that violates the "spirit" of the license or some such nonsense.

Of course when you release Troll OS we'll all regret having shunned you for bringing your Teapot opinions to the table.

Do you ever get bored just making shit up? Those damn free software hippies - the only thing that stands between you and your mega-wealth, instant stardom, getting laid, and having friends visible to real people. I'd write more, but your lips will just get sore.

Comment Re:Free software (Score 1) 778

Freedom means you should also be able to make money and act selfishly with your distro or open source project. I really don't get why it's always such a problem for open source advocates. If you want truly free software you let everyone do whatever they want with it.

And more power to your arm sir.

I look forward to testing your code - though you seem to have neglected to post your repository link.

Never mind - at least you're providing the solution unlike all those whiners who just demand it. Or worse, those that create the straw men to.... oh wait....

Comment Re:What's going on? (Score 1) 778


Right now the problem with desktop Linux centers on the desktop managers. KDE 4.6 has become better, but every single release of that product has them screwing something up on the desktop (i.e., if you have double click selected (for launching files and opening folders), you can't move icons around on the desktop--if single click is selected it works fine.) Some of these changes are extremely annoying. Anything having to do with icons on the desktop needs to work perfectly, but no, KDE just can't get it right. Gnome has it's share of usability problems. Overall though, the products work, if not for the bugginess of them.

Just to clarify - you do understand that Ubuntu/Canonical has absolutely nothing to do with developing KDE or Gnome right? (demanding is not contributing).

Because you sound like so many of the Kubuntu fans - who insist that right from the start KDE4 should be production quality *despite* what *actual* KDE developers say. If so please take the time to listen to what the KDE developers have to say about your demands - ditto for all the other early adopters - with the possible exception of SUSe who actually made some contributions.

Chances are that you're not one of those irritating Ubuntu fans - but many of us have developed a knee-jerk hatred of Ubuntu users - *especially* debian developers and support, but also many, many LUG members. In my area where for many years the montly meeting would bring an average of a dozen people, and several dozen posts a week to the mailing lists - the LUG was over-run by Ubuntu users. It's kind of hard to help people who refuse to RTFM. And stablity is difficult to achieve when the user insists on an OS choice that requires daily updates. (a stable bleeding edge is impossible).

Comment Who gives a fuck? (Score 1) 778

Ubuntu *was* a great idea. Provide the majority of the world with an OS that aimed to support their languages, their lack of broadband, and their low end hardware. In return the GNU Linux world would gain a huge new user base and the world would become a better place.

Nice idea - first mistake was allowing free postage of CDs to places *other* than India and Africa. Guess where most of those CDs were posted to? Guess North America and you're right.

Free CDs? I'll have 50 of those, every month - said every irritating n00b Windoof user. You know the sort - they use a computer as a substitute for a life - having the latest hardware is important so you can post your 3D benchmarks in your signature in the various spyware forums. Well now those pricks are Ubuntu fans. Check out the Ubuntu (Debian *is* too hard, for them) forums - see any African posters there? Nope - it's all "why isn't my multi-core 64-bit just released this morning CPU supported"? "I demand you support my iPod".

Ubuntu was never meant to be a version of Debian for n00bs, no matter how many (l)users demand and insist that is should be. Ubuntu has become an OS dominated by rude, ignorant, wealthy, spoilt, retards - who've not only perverted the original aims of Ubuntu, but managed to piss off all the other GNU Linux users.

Disclaimer:- I mostly run Debian, I'm sick of people posting Ubuntu questions to Debian forums - they consistently refuse to RTFM, post useful details, provide feedback, or even be honest about their OS. Check the debian-user mailing list and see how many requests for help with "Debian" are actually Ewepunter - they're the rude posters who abuse, demand, and complain - usually before even stating their problem, and often append their bitch with "it works fine in Windows7", and "no wonder Linux hasn't taken over the desktop". See how many of their posts are long threads where they are continually asked for useful information about their "debian" problem only to see "root@karmic#" as part of their cli output. Politely point out that they'd be more likely to get useful information at an Ubuntu forum and cop abuse.

And sudo?

And I so love the new breed of GNU Linux administrator - the one trained in Ubuntu - (ALL)ALL == fail. I'd never considered the possibility that anyone would actually be stupid enough to ssh as root until I met Ubuntu users. These are the same fucktards who'll critisize me for saying "GNU/Linux" 'cause it's all Lin-ucks. That last comment was from a recent employee - working in an all GNU environment, for a Finnish manager (called Linus) while complaining about the lack of sudo (and root access). Linus is pronounced "Lean-us" unless you're an American cartoon character, and yes Virginia - you *are* entitled to smack people who tell you how to pronounce your own name. And dickwad (you know who you are) all those servers you insisted were "Lin-ux" are Debian with the BSD kernel, the laptop you insisted was a customized Ubuntu (presumably because it's the only machine on site using Gnome) has a Hurd kernel.

Note to future applicants - stick your Ubuntu quals where they belong - from now on only LPI, RH or tertiary quals will be considered.

In closing may I suggest to any Ubuntu user I've upset - enjoy your Kubuntu (don't worry about what the KDE developers say - U tell em), if you need to update on a daily basis *it is not* suited to a production environment, if you can see your eye-candy, dancing bears and other 3D effects you *are obviously not* doing any fucking work! And when you tell me the "advantages" of dual-boot - I get the urge to kick you with both feet. It's a workplace fool - rebooting is not work, if you need Windows install it on another machine. Oh - you have 5 OSs on your laptop.... you must be "very" productive.


How do I add APK to my host file?

Comment Re:Ban guns (Score 1) 2166

And your "southern neighbours" get their "highly illegal" guns where?

Yeah, because the cartels clearly got the .50 caliber machine guns, grenade launchers, RPGs, anti-tank rockets, and thousands upon thousands of grenades from the US civilian gun market--where those devices don't exist. Enlighten us, will you please? Where did those weapons come from?

So, they've smuggled over a few semi-automatic AR-15s / AK clones. A few rifles, compared to the above weaponry which has been captured from the cartels, are hardly interesting.

Maybe they aught to secure their borders, and stomp out the fuel for their cartel problem??? I for one wish we had the good sense to help with that particular issue.

The question wasn't directed at you - but as you have done me the courtesy of qualifying your question (and I've previously read your posts - so I'm reasonably sure you have a brain, and are not a sock-puppet like some of the others in this thread) I'll try and answer it. (briefly as it's late)

Firstly I never said, thought. or implied that the guns in Mexico (I'm presuming you're referring to the so-called Drug Wars) came from the "US civilian gun market". I'll save you actually looking for my post.

And your "southern neighbours" get their "highly illegal" guns where?

The "?" is a question mark. As in "where did those weapons come from" question. I don't know for certain, but what little I know is that they originated outside of Mexico, and I'm curious as to where, and why despite all the press coverage the question hasn't been asked, and answered. I spent a number of years in the military - the last 9 of them as an MP (Oz) and I find it hard to understand how that question is so hard for the powers to be to answer.(that *is* sarcasm)

As for the borders - have a dig through my (and other Aussie's posts) and see our questions and anger over the Nugan-Hand Bank prior to which their was no heroin problem in our country.

Take heroin, cocaine (crack), speed (ice) out of the picture and most of the civilian deaths by gunfire (outside) of war disappear.

Not to distract from the points at hand - I've often traveled to the U.S. (and spent part of my childhood there) - and been to plenty of gunshows - I'll allow that things may have changed in the last 8 months - but in the past I would have had no problems buying .50 cal machine guns (legally). As to the other ordnance you mention - I have a neighbour, a thoroughly respectable gentleman (in Oz) whose company supplies AK-47s, RPGs, mines etc to the rest of the world. His company (*cough* Grycol *cough*) got a slap over the wrist after the Martin Bryant shootings for importing the Colt AR-15 long rifle (note I don't say carbine) and being unable to account for over 8K of them. Apropos of nothing - Australia is a port of origin that attracts little interest when containers arrive in Europe, or South America (hint CFTZ).

stomp out the fuel for their cartel problem?

Now there's a point! And here's another question in lieu of an answer - if all that money moves somewhere, through where does it move, and who would complain if it didn't? (that's a truly staggering amount of money)

Interesting that this particular story seems to have broken two Slashdot records - most posts and, most sock-puppets (posters manufactured on the spot to falsify support for "issues")...

Comment Re:Let's put it up on Wikileaks (Score 1) 477

Absolutely. However, don't ask a public or private ER to treat you at their or taxpayer's expense when you snort crystal drain cleaner. Don't expect food stamps or welfare from taxpayers when you make stupid choices that make you un/underemployed. Don't expect even medicare to take care of ailments that are likely traceable to such stupid decisions. I agree completely with you, but there are two sides to the coin. On one there is personal freedom, on the other is personal responsibility and accountability. Pick both or neither.


My daughter works in ER - apparently they have a name for the sort of people who snort Draino (and inject Vegemite) - G.O.M.E.R. - it means Get Out Of My Emergency Room (but not before we take a quick picture for stress relief purposes).

Aah unconventional recreational drug users - the last of the explorers, and a continuing demonstration of the benefits of evolution....

and, um, cheers, samzenpus - I see you've mastered the art of cut and paste. Should I be flattered? When I get some time and sleep I'll get back to that thought.

If you want insight - try *not* snorting Draino


Draino - KOH for wimps

Comment Re:Ban guns (Score 1) 2166

No, stupid, I have the right to defend myself from those who wish to harm me.

You sound a little angry... and you're either ingenuous or confused. I didn't say you "don't have a right to defend yourself" - only that it's not related to a "right to bear arms". So many basic abilities appear to elude you - like reading, logic, and comprehension. Are you the sort of cretin who calls "college" higher education?

The last time I checked, Mexico was getting most of it's illegal firearms from South America, not the US.

What am I plucking out of my arse and calling a fact?

Confusing - you now answer your own questions? Are Colt now manufacturing weapons somewhere in South America. Please point us at where you "checked" the "last time". In fact, why not point at where you checked both times - or did you check more than once?

The fact that you say "arse" means you're some snaggle-toothed Brit who's opinion means nothing to me, anyhow.

Well, no, but don't let the incredible difficulty of finding out for yourself stand in the way of a little meta-semantic bullshit. And, most educated people can tell the difference between a donkey like animal and their fundamental orifice. Could it be that you belong to one of those perpetually confused types that have fanny and ass (arse) confused, root for their team while sitting on their "ass" - then call getting laid getting some "ass". Sigh, You need all the weapons you can get.

Comment Re:Ban guns (Score 1) 2166

i have no doubt lives have been saved by gun use by virtuous individuals

Nor do I dispute that - I simply question the sanity of those that argue concealed weapons reduce crime.

Note: I'm not arguing guns should be banned.

the point here is you don't understand those examples are massively dwarfed by senseless killing. moron shooting up a disco because a chick looked at him funny, kid finds a gun and plays with it, well intentioned smaritan gets confused and shoots an innocent, husband loses it and shoots wife, etc, etc, etc

You have me confused with some one else. I understand irony when I hear/read it. Do you? Do yourself a favour, read it again, and try quoting at least some of the post you're referring to. Cheers.

Comment Re:Ban guns (Score 1) 2166

LOL No, I actually don't fear anything -- whether I carry a gun or not,

Then, as if further evidence was necessary, you've proved yourself a dickhead.

I'm pretty secure in who I am and what I can do,

When you're not calling out strangers? "feeling froggy"

and, unlike Lisa's rocks, guns are actually capable of being used for protection. A gun is not a talisman, it's a tool.

Apropos of what? Or are you simply demonstrating your stupidity in case it was overlooked, like you overlook what doesn't serve you narrow purposes.


I took the time to actually read the guy's writings, and check his conclusions. You should try it sometime - though in your case given that reading makes your lips sore, try a little lubricant.

hahahaha. That's a good one. The completely irrelevant ravings of a lunatic mind.

Your personal failings hardly translate into any sort of authoritative insights. Tell me again about how you can carry a handgun in any of 24 states - I'm so impressed, does it convince women to stop crossing the road away from you - 'cause you sure sound like a blowhard with a micro-penis complex. Yawn.

Comment Re:Ban guns (Score 0) 2166

Criminals will always have guns. Those of us who don't want to be their victims, carry them for self-defense.

No - you carry them out of fear, insecurity, and advance your "so-called" logic as a justification and in denial. That the mere act of carrying a concealed weapon makes you feel safer has no bearing on reality - and any "statistics" you (and John I have an agenda unimpeded by basic math Lott Jr.) apply equally to Lisa Simpson's anti-tiger rocks. But in fact all that sort of "logic" proves is that truly bad statistics can support apartheid and concealed weapons.

Should I be surprised if you can also use what you call "logic" to claim the problem is communism, cannabis, The Doors, and surprise, surprise - Liberals. If your brain was a pepper-mill it'd only have one setting - coarse.

Comment Re:Ban guns (Score 1) 2166

Semi-automatic handguns are extremely useful -- why do you think police carry them? Because they're useful for self-defense.

Police "carry" handguns because "carrying" long guns is impractical. Sometimes the least worst option is confused with the best.

What the police use and self-defense nuts demand has no particular relevance.

Comment Re:Ban guns (Score 1) 2166

There are far more self-defense uses of firearms than there are accidental shootings.

Do you mean "uses" or "occurrences"? If you're claiming occurrences, I call [citation needed]. BTW, I own guns, hunt, and was a competition shooter in my teenage years. I support reasonable gun ownership, but I think the self-defense aspects of it have been overblown. Likewise with the effectiveness of gun control laws.

Mod up that post please

I agree with what you say. Though I'd add that on a few occasions I've been tempted to use firearms for self-defense, fortunately sanity prevailed. Anger, jealousy and fear cause people to do stupid things - if they feel compelled to do stupid things when in control of a bicycle they are less likely to act out their violence, and less likely to do harm - then if the same thing happens while they control a car.

The argument some advance... no scratch that, the lame justification some try and sell is that the police can't be trusted or relied on. Implicit in that argument is the sophistic contention that *they* can be (trusted and relied on). I vote, I pay taxes and I pay rates. I am the government and I expect police and the military to use firearms against humans - if the system doesn't work - insist that it does. Resort to deadly force and you clearly need chess lessons.

While I like Hemingway's quote about a three-day open season being a cure for what's wrong with the world - I recognize that most people can't be trusted to not misuse the power of firearms because it is about power and fear, insecurity, and often, guilt (protect me from the black man, militant feminist etc).

Comment Re:Ban guns (Score 3, Interesting) 2166

Australia. Good luck getting a gun here - even a rifle for hunting is difficult to get. :p

Cough - no getting a firearm is easy, though semi-automatics and pump-action shotguns are more difficult.

Pistols are easily (and legally) purchased (I own two). Provided you are a member of a pistol club and you leave them at the club. I neither know nor care about carry permits - though I have been offered unregistered handguns (in the carpark of the Mt. A*cough*ie Na*cough*l pistol club).

The difficulty for most people is one of two things - one is stupid and the other sensible. One is a prior drug conviction (pot possession?), and the other is having somewhere to shoot your rifle. To gain a rifle or shotgun license you need to show you have somewhere to shoot it - which is sensible. Ever noticed those ads in the paper where people are looking for landholders who will let them shoot? That's so they can try and shmoose us into signing their license application. I no longer allow shooters on my properties because too often it's one guy with a license and two mates who want a license - that's three guys so gung-ho and over excited that they *have* to shoot something, anything, that they don't seem to be capable of unloading rounds except through the barrel. No they're not all that bad - but *most* of them are. One of the neighbouring properties was bought for the express purpose of having somewhere to shoot, by a dickhead and his mates. We've all lost stock, and had to deal with near misses - but after calling the police because the dickheads thought firing a .50 cal uphill on a 4 acre property was "sport" - one of my neighbours was threatened by the same dickheads who stopped her car (with her children in the back) - though they didn't point weapons, they were holding them while they made threats. This is Australia - not some trailer park in the USA - yet when I ran into the same dicks at the local pub they gave me the same speel as Spazz spouts.

Never before have I taken so much pleasure in watching a woman punch the crap out of blokes. After loudly and obnoxiously harrassing some women and their friend the barmaid told them to drink up and leave, one got mouthy and slapped her arse - she dropped him, and then his hero mates made threatening moves. Point being - some "people" need more self-defense than others.

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