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Comment Guessing games (Score 1) 175

People who make predictions for the sake of making predictions are only doing so because they lack the required attributes to make their ideas reality, but want the smug satisfaction of thinking they're at least equal to or better than the person that does have those attributes because they thought of it first. If you want to be impressive, predict it and then make it happen (which, by the way, is a good way to be right about your predictions.)

Comment Re:Not yet (Score 2, Interesting) 143

I think it's even further off than that. It's unlikely to happen until everyone who comes across it already has one, and isn't just a prick. (There are lots of those...)

It's more akin to leaving a bookshelf of all your books, and room for new books to be added as well, complete with a dolly for easy carrying by one person -- much more valuable than just one tattered eared paperback.

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