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Comment Re:Obvious? (Score 1) 166

I'd love to find a generic brand cola that tastes exactly the same as Coke. Of all the non-Coke alternatives I've tried (including Pepsi), I've found that that they do taste of cola, but their taste is still significantly different than Coke. And even Coke tastes slightly different in different countries due to variations in the bottling process.

To me, Coke tasted like Pepsi in Jamaica. I was told it's because the local bottlers use cane sugar instead of corn syrup.

Comment Re: Great, now what about phosphorous? (Score 1) 187

I'm _pretty_ sure that we could devise a safe way to extract phosphorous from dead bodies. Maybe science wasn't up to that task when we "evolved", but it certainly is by now.

Also, we "evolved" bathing in our drinking water supply.

Ahh, phosphorus pentoxide...wait - what? Why am I having a flashback to Burgess' "The Wanting Seed"?

Comment Re:'medium is the..." (Score 1) 164

You're batshit nuts, on both counts. Carlos's score was a masterpiece, and the screenplay was adapted almost verbatim from the US version of the novel.

The only significant departure was the omission of the last chapter, in which Alex and his friends grow up, mellow out, and start families.

Err... I LOVED Carlos' score - I was expressing my disappointment that it wasn't ready in time for incorporation in the movie release. Also, the final chapter would have, to me, been VERY welcome in the movie.

Comment Re:Really?!? (Score 3, Insightful) 1448

This is America. In theory, we 'overthrow the government' every 2 or 4 years. It's called regime change. I don't see anything odious about his statement.

Welcome to Corporate America, where the inhabitants are offered a slate of different talking heads every so often. The policies and direction never change, just the faces who occupy the offices. Oops, sorry, time for my meds...

Comment Re:What!? (Score 1) 298

The problem is that so long as you like vegetables and meat, somebody is going to have to live out there. Are you really saying that we should relegate our food growers to dial-up speeds?

I pay those people for food and farm subsidies. They can use that money to pay for access or not. It's their choice. I've lived in the country much of my life. I didn't expect city people to pay me because I had clean air and endless miles of wilderness to roam in.

Some of us "rubes" don't get any subsidies, and there is no infrastructure for the "last mile" (okay, 15 to 50 miles for me). And please, don't say "satellite" - I'm talking about REAL connectivity, without high latencies, rain fade, jittery transponders, high prices, unreasonably low throughput and ridiculous data caps.

I'm not asking for a handout, I'm just saying that the "providers" don't care unless they can milk a large customer base at a low cost.

My hopes are on 802.22 rollouts.


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