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Comment Re:AAVE is a fairly recent development (Score 3, Interesting) 487

To answer your question about age grading, you have to look at a population at more than one point in time. In cases where this has been done (e.g. speakers of central American Spanish), what we find is that young adults have the highest percentage of the incoming feature (higher than both children and older adults). As those same young adults get older, their use of the incoming feature does decline some, but not down to the levels of the previous generation. The 40-year-olds today have a higher percentage of the incoming variant than the 40-year-olds twenty years ago.

Variants in speech can serve as social markers which you use to identify yourself as a member of a group. As a guess, I imagine that the slight decline in use of the incoming variant as you get older has less to do with "learning standard English better", and more to do with it not being quite as important to sound cool as you get older. As a 40-year-old, you probably still wear clothes which identify you as a member of a certain group, but you probably don't dress in quite as trendy a way as you did when you were 20.

Comment AAVE is a fairly recent development (Score 5, Informative) 487

Actually, it appears that AAVE is a product of the Great Northern Migration of African-Americans in the early 20th century. Prior to that time, there was little to no distinction between the dialects of southern whites and southern blacks.

The pieces of evidence for this claim include:

  • Phonograph recordings made in the 1930's of former slaves
  • Diaries and letters written by semi-literate slaves and former slaves in the 19th century. Since the writers were semi-literate, the spelling is a better indication of the pronunciation than standard spelling would be.
  • Something which linguists call "age grading". If you take speakers of AAVE today and compare younger speakers with older speakers, the younger speakers actually have a higher percentage occurrence of the distinctive features of AAVE. This suggests that AAVE is becoming increasingly distinct from standard American English over time.

There are other pieces of evidence as well, but those are some of the important ones.

Comment Re:Sigh (Score 1) 711

Just let kids be kids?

Your statement is uninformed. ADHD is real.

I agree that ADHD is overdiagnosed, but ADHD is a real pathological condition with a biological substrate. It is a matter of ongoing research by neurologists. Those who have ADHD are not just "kids being kids".

I had a severe case of ADHD as a child, back in the 1970's when the name for the condition was "Hyperactivity". I knew perfectly well that I would keep getting in trouble and be rejected by my peers if I engaged in behaviors such as singing songs in class at inappropriate times, but I could not help it. No amount of punishment from my teachers or parents made the slightest difference. I would continually resolve to stop misbehaving and to start paying attention in class, and I certainly punished myself enough for being a bad kid, but I see now that no amount of willpower could change the basic biological problem.

When I finally got a correct diagnosis and started meds (which, in those days, was Dexedrine), the problematic behaviors stopped as abruptly as if a switch had been flipped. My grades immediately went from all F's to all A's. My teachers, who did not know that I had started meds, were astonished at the sudden change.

Fortunately, I largely outgrew the condition in early adulthood. That is not uncommon in cases of childhood ADHD.


10,000 Cows Can Power 1,000 Servers 221

CWmike writes "Reducing energy consumption in data centers, particularly with the prospect of a federal carbon tax, is pushing vendors to explore an ever-growing range of ideas. HP engineers say that biogas may offer a fresh alternative energy approach for IT managers. Researchers at HP Labs presented a paper (download PDF) on using cow manure from dairy farms and cattle feedlots and other 'digested farm waste' to generate electricity to an American Society of Mechanical Engineers conference, held this week. In it, the research team calculates that 'a hypothetical farm of 10,000 dairy cows' could power a 1 MW data center — or on the order of 1,000 servers. One trend that makes the idea of turning organic waste into usable power for data centers is the moves by several firms to build facilities in rural locations, where high-speed networks allow them to take advantage of the cost advantages of such areas. But there are some practical problems, not the least of which is connecting a data center to the cows. If it does happen, the move could call for a new take on plug and play: plug and poo."

Voyager 2 Speaking In Tongues 260

dangle sends in an update from the borderland of Sol. "Voyager 2's flight data system, which formats information before beaming it back to Earth, has experienced a hiccup that has altered the pattern in which it sends updates home, preventing mission managers from decoding the science data beamed to Earth from Voyager 2. The spacecraft, which is currently 8.6 billion miles (13.8 billion km) from Earth, is apparently still in overall good health, according to the latest engineering data received on May 1. 'Voyager 2's initial mission was a four-year journey to Saturn, but it is still returning data 33 years later,' said Voyager project scientist Ed Stone of the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena. 'It has already given us remarkable views of Uranus and Neptune, planets we had never seen close-up before. We will know soon what it will take for it to continue its epic journey of discovery.' The space probe and its twin Voyager 1 are flying through the bubble-like heliosphere, created by the sun, which surrounds our solar system."

Comment Re:Call centers and vocal booths (Score 3, Informative) 331

ADD is a bullshit diagnosis of people's varying ability to concentrate.

No. ADD is a specific neurological disorder.

The term ADD has come to be popularly misused to mean any difficulty with concentration. This is incorrect. It is listed in the DSM and is a legitimate diagnosis recognized by the psychiatric community. It has biological substrates which are a matter of scholarly study by neurologists.

I had ADHD (the hyperactive variety) as a child, back in the 1970's, long before the condition was widely known. I knew that my flunking grades and disruptive behaviors would result in punishment from teachers/parents and in rejection by my peers. I continually resolved to concentrate and behave, but I could not help it.

I finally got a correct diagnosis. My teachers, who did not know I had started meds, reported an abrupt, dramatic change for the better; they told my parents it was like I was a different person. I became a near straight-A student and finally started making friends.

Your statement is uninformed. The condition is real.

Comment Commercial art vs. art that feeds your soul (Score 4, Interesting) 318

At my day job in the software industry, I often feel like a musician who has to make a living writing advertising jingles. At least I get do use my talent, but it's not what I'd create if I had complete freedom.

I often dream about having the freedom and unlimited time to code whatever I want, on my own schedule, to my own standards, without any concern about whether the product could make money or not. One lifetime would not be long enough to code all of the cool ideas which I'm constantly thinking up.


Angry Villagers Run Google Out of Town 1188

Barence writes "A Google Street View car has been chased out of a British village by angry residents. The car was taking photographs of Broughton in Buckinghamshire for Google's when it was spotted by a local resident who warned the car not to enter the village then roused his neighbors, who surrounded the vehicle until the driver performed a U-turn and left. 'This is an affluent area,' protester Paul Jacobs said. 'We've already had three burglaries locally in the past six weeks. If our houses are plastered all over Google it's an invitation for more criminals to strike. I was determined to make a stand, so I called the police.'"

Comment "Real programmers" and psychiatric illnesses (Score 1) 1134

One of the programmers was brilliant, but actually insane. ... They kept him around because they couldn't afford to hire real programmers.

Having a psychiatric illness doesn't make you any less a "real programmer".

I'm sure there's a fair number of us here who have been treated for psychiatric conditions at one point or another and are still perfectly competent programmers.

Suppose your colleague's disability were physical rather than psychiatric. If he used a wheelchair, would that mean that he is not a "real programmer"?

Psychiatric illnesses are classified as disabilities under the Americans with Disabilities Act. If the condition can be reasonably accommodated by the employer, then it is against the law to discriminate on the basis of that disability. If your employer got to the point where they could afford "real programmers" and ended your colleague's employment because of his psychiatric illness (assuming it's a case where reasonable accommodation is possible), then your colleague could take the employer to court under the ADA.


Comcast Apologizes For Super Bowl Porn Glitch 526

DrinkDr.Pepper writes "Just after the last touchdown by the Cardinals, with 3 minutes to go in the game, approximately 30 seconds of pornographic material was shown, seen by an unknown number of Comcast customers in Tucson, Arizona who were watching the game in standard definition. Comcast has apologized (they used the word 'mortified') and is issuing a $10 credit to any customer who claims to have been impacted. Various news accounts suggest that the incident was a malicious act, but no one knows how it was done or by whom."

Comment Re:Take them at face value. (Score 1) 923

We should not be surprised with this. The Western nations have been at odds with Islamic nations for 1500 years, and with Persia for nearly 3000.

I think you're a bit off in your dates.

The wars between Greece and Persia took place between 499 BCE and 448 BCE, so the wars you refer to didn't start until 2508 years ago. The Persian Empire didn't exist 3000 years ago.

Mohammed hadn't even been born yet 1500 years ago. He founded Islam around 1387 years ago. If you want to take the first Muslim contact with Spain as the beginnings of the conflicts between European kingdoms and Islam, that happened in 711.


The Age of Touch Computing 414

DigitalDame2 writes "In 2009, touch computing will go mainstream. More and more devices will be legitimately touch-enabled with gesture controls for browsing through photos, tossing objects around the screen, flicking to turn the page of a book, and even playing video games and watching movies. In fact, Gartner analyst Steve Prentice told the BBC recently that the mouse will be dead in three to five years. PCMag has a full look at touch computing — the past, the present, and the future — including an interview with Sabrina Boler, touch UI designer."

Is MySQL's Community Eating the Company? 223

mjasay writes "Craigslist's Jeremy Zawodny reviews the progress of MySQL as a project, and discovers that through third-party forks and enhancements like Drizzle and OurDelta 'you can get a "better" MySQL than the one Sun/MySQL gives you today. For free.' Is this a good thing? On one hand it demonstrates the strong community around MySQL, but on the other, it could make it harder for Sun to fund core development on MySQL by diverting potential revenue from the core database project. Is this the fate of successful open-source companies? To become so successful as a community that they can't eke out a return as a company? If so, could anyone blame MySQL/Sun for creating its own proprietary fork in order to afford further core development?"
United States

Barack Obama Wins US Presidency 3709

Last night, around 11pm, all the major networks announced that Senator Barack Obama had won the election. Soon after, Senator McCain conceded. There were no crazy partisan court hearings, just a simple election. This is your chance to talk about it and what it means for the future of our nation.

Microsoft Programming Contest Hacked and Defaced 151

davidmwilliams writes "Microsoft followed their major annual Tech-Ed event in Australia with a week-long programming contest called 'DevSta,' to find 'star developers.' While the quantity and quality of submissions suggest a poor turnout, it certainly caught the attention of at least two hackers who left their mark. Here is the low-down on the contest, what happened, by whom, and screen shots for posterity in case it's been fixed by the time you read this. And unless the volume of submissions increase dramatically within the next few hours, someone may be awarded an Xbox for doing nothing more than rewriting the Windows calculator as a .NET app."

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