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Comment Re: Free Government Broadband?? (Score 1) 111

The US is first and foremost a Capitalist nation. As such, giving citizens anything they could be made to pay for is completely alien.
(Just consider the "Healthcare Reform" Bill.)

Unless of course a major Corporation was to pay Congress to do this - but why would that ever happen?

Standing tall in the land of the rich and the poor

Comment Re: The world's getting it! Like it or not (Score 2, Informative) 208

This may be a disturbing observation but Big Media is pulling off a stunning achievement here.

Not content to work with the laws of various countries, they bought the cooperation of powerful legislators and created a mechanism to force adoption and compliance to a very restrictive set of laws.

These laws will work to penalize movement and use of copyrighted works but at the same time will have a chilling effect on the internet as a whole. They will probably force ISP's to block many services they will now be responsible for as well. At the same time paid access to copyrighted material becomes one of the few practical methods to access information.

Of course enforcement will only be as good as the ISP's and their detection software, but for most internet users that will prove good enough.

I very much hate seeing what Big Media is doing here but it really is a masterful plan. There are a lot bigger and richer special interests that can't hold a candle to Big Media. And shit - it seems like it will all work.


Officials Sue Couple Who Removed Their Lawn 819

Hugh Pickens writes "The LA Times reports that Orange County officials are locked in a legal battle with a couple accused of violating city ordinances for replacing the grass on their lawn with wood chips and drought-tolerant plants, reducing their water usage from 299,221 gallons in 2007 to 58,348 gallons in 2009. The dispute began two years ago, when Quan and Angelina Ha tore out the grass in their front yard. In drought-plagued Southern California, the couple said, the lush grass had been soaking up tens of thousands of gallons of water — and hundreds of dollars — each year. 'We've got a newborn, so we want to start worrying about her future,' said Quan Ha, an information technology manager for Kelley Blue Book. But city officials told the Has they were violating several city laws that require that 40% of residential yards to be landscaped predominantly with live plants. Last summer, the couple tried to appease the city by building a fence around the yard and planting drought-tolerant greenery — lavender, rosemary, horsetail, and pittosporum, among others. But according to the city, their landscaping still did not comply with city standards. At the end of January, the Has received a letter saying they had been charged with a misdemeanor violation and must appear in court. The couple could face a maximum penalty of six months in jail and a $1,000 fine for their grass-free, eco-friendly landscaping scheme. 'It's just funny that we pay our taxes to the city and the city is now prosecuting us with our own money,' says Quan Ha."

Comment Re: Not Fascinating but Depressing (Score 2, Insightful) 133

For those of us who love what the internet has to offer in terms of information, entertainment and news the very idea of the Internet becoming "the CorporateNet" is depressing.

After the takeover we will still be able to do many things - after we have logged in with our credit card.

Then CorporateNet can charge us for every download and access (and it will not be cheap!)

What can we do? If we fight like hell we can delay things for a while, but eventually money will rule out. So be prepared.

Comment Re:Hopenchange! - Corporate Health Care Coming (Score 1) 452

Which would be better:

1. A government run Insurance option which they might have problems running.


2. Corporate For-Profit Insurance Companies which have a demonstrate record of denying funds for life critical procedures, for refusing to pay huge bills for procedures which bankrupt patients and for canceling policies for the crime of becoming very sick.

Better the devil you know than the one you do not?

Comment Re:Three strikes are not mandated, but still worry (Score 1) 452

Thank you for this information. Very informative but not at all comforting!

So this means:

1. The countries implementing 3 strikes rules are going beyond the letter of ACTA to punish anyone accused of (but not necessarily guilty of) some "copyright violation".

2. You assert that ACTA is actually an executive agreement, not a Treaty and therefore will be shoved right down our throats (or other orifices) without any chance to comment or stop it unless our laws somehow allow it. If this is true we are well and royally screwed indeed!

Comment Re:Money and Power. And their Corporate Masters (Score 4, Insightful) 452

The only reason the Government gets involved in anything is when they are paid to do so by their Corporate Masters.

And it is a well known fact that Corporations want to eliminate those pesky Internet freedoms and force us to pay for every click or download.

Luckily for them, Obama's just the man for that job!

Comment Three Strikes and Obama Says You're Out (Score 2, Insightful) 452

Interesting how 3 strikes laws like those mandated in the ACTA Anti-Counterfeiting Treaty (championed by Obama) are showing up in various countries.

Now here comes Obama with a new initiative for the US to regulate the internet and two of it's goals are "copyright protection, and Internet governance".

Seems a fair guess that one of the first things that will occur is an ACTA style 3 strikes rule that must be enforced by all ISP's.
Will BitTorrent be banned by those ISP's? It seems likely, since in spite of the legal applications, that would make life so much easier for the ISPs.

Our Internet freedoms are slowly disappearing as governments regulate them away on behalf of the Corporations! Internet users are allowed no voice.

Soon the Internet will be the CorporateNe" and we will have to enter Credit Card info just to log on!

Comment Re:Remember, slashdot is run by rich white guys (Score 1) 191

Remember: we ALL need quality Healthcare, rich white guys included.

It's just that a "Healthcare Reform Bill" built around a basis of mandatory Insurance using the services of a legal Heath Insurance monopoly, with almost no cost controls, will only give you a little of what you need!

And while you are getting a little Healthcare, this solution will be reaching behind you and picking your pocket!

With all the smart people and the examples of so many other countries that do it right, how could we have got things so wrong?

The answer is corruption. The Health Insurance Cartel spent > $560 Million on Congressmen alone. Who know if they invested in Obama too? It certainly seems possible.

Comment Re:Other serious crimes--- (Score 1) 256

How could they allow you freedom and privacy?

With your freedom you could do something unapproved, so the logs are needed to convict you and support your harsh punishment.

I suppose if we don't like it we are supposed to move to a free country like maybe Canada.

Welcome to 1984 - it took awhile but now it's here!

Comment Re:Think of the kids (Score 1) 256

Why does the US seem to go after the user, not the supplier?

Some drug suppliers are prosecuted of course but it appears to be mainly users that are imprisoned for long years.

Viewers of child porn (who need psychiatric help) also are imprisoned for long sentences but who goes after the sites?

Maybe the real goal is to fill the prisons and make the companies that service and run them richer. Seems like it must be working too.

Comment Re:Think of the politicians (Score 1) 256

Think of all the politicians who have rode into office using "think of the children" to convince voters of their uprightness!

Think of how brave and noble the politicians appear when using this simple trick. And since many of them do not seem to be particularly bright, they go on to attack other freedoms because someone might do something horrible if they continue to have freedom.

These fellows are the ones who would have the internet locked down if they could and who will take credit when every connection is databased and cataloged.

And most likely their law will be a stupid, overly restrictive law with no tolerance for data that could innocently get there - like web page redirects, pop-ups with dangerous addresses and other web page issues that can be encountered from normal surfing. Will surfing the internet even be possible then?

After the politician gets through with the Internet we will have to get all our web links from sanitized sources to avoid triggering the 3 strikes rule (under the swiftly approaching ACTA Secret Treaty) or maybe as little as 1 strike under this scenario.

When I miss the real internet I for one will curse the names of those politicians.

Hopefully I will still be able to use the internet to raise opposition to the bastards! It will probably be one of the few things I can still do on the internet.

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