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Comment Too bad Samsung's XP941 is 2/3 the price (Score 2) 113

Seriously the XP941 is a native PCIe controller, not multiple SATA controllers raided together with a PCIe bridge controller. As a result, it is almost 1/2 the price, and still has similar performance (it is only a PCIe 1x device that does 1.2GBs reads/writes, vs the PCIe 4x device that only does 1.8GBs).

Comment So conflict of interests much? (Score 1) 409

Seriously a cloud service provider saying that people not using cloud service providers are holding onto old antique ideas and are not saavy enough to cut it in the existing world... Color me purple.

As others have probably said, once you replace "move your data into the cloud" with "move your data onto someone else's system" management starts to realize what a stupid a risky operation that is for anything that is not company trade secrets. Sure, use the cloud to perform a large scale test of an application you are developing to see how it works across hundreds/thousands of systems and find what breaks and when. But to actually risk your company's data by handing it over to someone else no matter how good of a usage contract you have is outright idiotic. The mere loss of control over the data could mean that you are not compliant with laws that govern your actions (privacy laws for certain kinds of data, consumer protection laws for billing information, trade secrets and NDAs you have signed with other companies, etc).

Comment Re:One habit is ... (Score 4, Funny) 136

The reason there are more fat people in IT isn't because we want to be. It is because the GOOD IT people get fat because they know that the best IT people never need to leave their seats. If you have to leave your seat to do something as an admin, you are doing something wrong and not using the technology that is available to you to be able to fix everything but physical hardware failure or installation from your seat.

Comment Re:Need to follow the proper approach (Score 1) 141

If you read the summary in the /. post that you commented on, you would have seen that someone did bring the suit before a lower court. The lower court ruled that the practice was unconstitutional, but stayed their judgement on appeal as they knew it would be appealed. That being said, usually when the Supreme Court denies hearing a case, it means that the last ruling was the correct ruling. However, in this case, the plaintiffs simply need to appeal to the full appellate court.

Comment Re:Simple.... Odds are even (Score 1) 167

Actually now that I think about it more, it is much more difficult that it at first seams... The fact that he plays rock 50% of the time really has no bearing on what he plays the other 50% of the time. If you do the 100% paper, you will eventually only win 50% of the time.

After that you need to run a probability set on all the possible combinations, with the unknowns for his paper and scissors, only knowing that they total to 50%.

Comment Hawaii? (Score 1) 75

Ummm... hasn't anyone told these scientists that Hawaii is the Pacific headquarters of the US Navy, including such things as nuclear powered aircraft carriers and nuclear powered submarines? I would think this is a horrible place to run an experiment given the fact that you would never know if the results were due to a submarine entering, leaving, or patrolling....

Comment Re:Why are there so few black engineers? (Score 1) 397

Many places have had wages taken so high that there is insufficient teacher presence in halls, yards and stairwells that bullying flourishes in these areas, and this bullying chills many black students into mediocrity.

I think you are reading more into the issue than "high wages" for teachers causing a lack of teachers. If teachers charged the city/state like lawyers do for every minute that they worked, you would see that teachers are far from underpaid even at your "wages taken so high" rates that you currently claim. Even with summer "off", and not including time spent at "teacher meetings" or pre/post school year, teachers in primary and secondary schools work on average just 100 hours less than a person with a 40 hour work week does across the entire year. If the pre/post school year time, and days that teachers are required to report when students do not are included, teachers work more hours during the 180 day school year than a normal person does across the entire 260 day work year.

To be quite honest, I think teachers should be paid by the minute, just like lawyers charge. Maybe then we might actually have teacher salary that reflects the work they put in and people like you would see the actual time spent to do the job. Remember, when the students go home, the teachers still need to grade assignments/tests, create tests, update lesson plans, student learning plans, input grades into school grading software, possibly hold office hours for after/before class assistance, hold shifts covering detentions, call parents, hold parent teacher conferences, etc., etc.. All of which adds up to a lot of time over the 6 hour 40 minute "school day" that you think is the end of the time a teacher needs to be on the clock...

Comment Re:hmmm (Score 1) 104

If the security industry at large actually knew what they were doing, websites wouldn't be instituting such asinine password rules, and my own employer wouldn't have recently cited "industry standard practice" as a reason for requiring I include special characters in my domain password.

But the security industry does know what they are doing. The "industry standard practice" for special characters is to limit the ability of a brute force attack of your password. By requiring a special character, they increased the search space needed to find the password. For an 8 character length password requiring lower case letters, there are 8*26 possible passwords. Add upper case letters, and there are 8*52 possible passwords. Add numbers and there are 8*62 possible passwords. Add special characters and there are 8*94 possible passwords. This requirement fights a specific type of attack vector.

Are there other attack vectors? Sure, and they too have their own security rules to mitigate the chances of a successful attack.

Comment Re:hmmm (Score 1) 104

This isn't about the hacking groups being able to hurt anyone. It is about doing proper security and handling of personal information. The data was being stored improperly, end of the discussion. It doesn't matter if a hacker group then hacked the website or not and discovered the data and stole it. The data should never have been there to begin with for the hackers to get to, and that is the problem. However, doing things "right" costs money. Businesses and organizations need to know that cutting corners with personal information will not be tolerated, and heavily fined, so much so that it is cheaper to do the work correctly than it is to not do it correctly and pay the fines.

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