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Comment Re:TSA = Federal Government (Score 1) 457

The reason bags are searched and people patted down at concerts, sports events, etc. has less to do with actual security than it does with liability of the venue. If something were to go down, they have legal standing for claiming they were not negligent and did 'everything they could to prevent incident'.

Comment Re:TSA = Federal Government (Score 1) 457

I have been doing exactly that for years, and I always urge anyone that will listen to me to do the same. It's an easy thing to do, it certainly can't make matters worse and if enough people start doing it, will send a clear message to politicians that they have an expiration date and should therefore make their time in office count for something other than themselves.

Comment Re:Wow... (Score 1) 189

Not mine by choice, but none of this should come as a surprise to anyone that's been awake in class. Tax dollars have been used to purchase access to commercial databases for their data mining pleasure for years now. A complicit Supreme Court allows them to go onto private property to plant tracking devices on vehicles, ISP's and telco's roll over and provide whatever they ask (for a fee, of course), and the list goes on. The new handbook codifies everything they've already been doing, just to create a more favorable legal footing when challenged in court.

Comment Re:And... (Score 1) 1070

Won't someone think about the children? Really, I'm not kidding. People create other people for a variety of reasons, but nobody really considers the ramifications of their actions, they just want a 'family'. If you were able to prove to someone their children would have a substantially lower standard of life than they enjoy right now, do you really think that would stop them?

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