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Comment Re:Appeal (Score 2) 530

Nor does Sweden:

Extradition is permitted, provided that the act for which extradition is requested is equivalent to a crime that is punishable under Swedish law by imprisonment for at least one year.[...]

Extradition may not be granted for military or political offences. Nor may extradition be granted if there is reason to fear that the person whose extradition is requested runs a risk - on account of his or her ethnic origins, membership of a particular social group or religious or political beliefs - of being subjected to persecution threatening his or her life or freedom, or is serious in some other respect.[...]

Nor may he or she be re-extradited to another state without the consent of the Government. Furthermore, nor may the person who is extradited be sentenced to death.

Yeah, that's smart. Looking at what they say and not what they do.

Comment Re:Riiight (Score 1) 815

They're claiming no radioactive waste, which means they're going straight from one stable isotope of nickel to one stable isotope of copper. That means they're going from Ni62 to Cu63. Nickel-62 has the highest binding energy of any known isotope of any known element.

That makes no sense. If Ni-62 is your starting fuel (very high binding energy) and you convert it to Cu-63 (lower binding energy), then you will get some of that binding energy out.

You're moving from a high-energy state to a low-energy state... thus giving off energy.

Actually it makes perfect sense if you know physics and understand binding energy. Binding energy is how much energy you have to use to separate nucleons. So high binding energy actually means it is a lower energy state for Ni-62 than Cu-63, thus this reaction needs energy to work, not give off it.

Think it as how deep a well is. The deeper, the higher the binding energy.

Comment Re:Primary Programming. (Score 1) 645

So, you think that the power to build a nuke is all that? Try building a civilization without religion. So far every attempt has ended in Horrors far worse than any nuke unleashed to date. Worse than any Crusade or Inquisition even.

What about Sweden? We've freed ourselves from religion, and we are doing just fine.

Comment Re:What? (Score 1) 422

For added fun, try converting a metric recipe for six people into one that can feed 16.

That is soooo easy man. Take 2.5 of everything and add a dash more (to get close to 2.67). Or just multiply by 3 and make bigger portions.

And if you are the kind of person that thinks that recipes need to be followed down to 1% tolerance, and not judge the amounts by taste you shouldn't be allowed near a kitchen!

And if you work in a profession that needs recipes be followed exactly, like in chemistry for instance, then you should really be using SI units, or be prepared to be fired.

Comment Re:Just because his religion is made up.... (Score 1) 9

To anyone who believes in a religion, your belief is just as nutty as theirs is to you. You seem to be saying that no one should believe in anything unless they agree with you. Your logic will be consistent as soon as you concede your opinion that all religions are "made up" is just as unfounded as the religions about which you claim this.

You are erroneously assume that believing in something holds an equal truthvalue compared to simply not believing in something, and that not believing necessitates a belief. And is it is very commonly coached among religious to perpetuate this false dichotomy.

Also, not telling you children once a week to believe in X, is not the same thing as telling your children not to believe in X, nor telling your children to believe in X.

Get it? It is even logically consistent.

To reiterate my point, anyone who believes and then doesn't respect the wishes of someone else who believes, (and it doesn't matter if the belief is made up, or if the person i crazy and thinks he's Napoleon) deserves no freedom of religion, and is just a lame hypocrite.

Comment Just because his religion is made up.... (Score 3, Insightful) 9

...doesn't make it any less real.

Or actually, that is exactly what every religion thinks; that their made up stories, rules, hats and dietary needs are somehow special and real. Well you can't have it both ways. Either concede that your own religion is made up, or respect the nutty wishes of every nut job out there who believes in anything, or else you deserve no freedom of religion.

Comment Re:WRONG TWICE! sailboats have keels!!! No braking (Score 1) 229

If you angle the sail of the spacecraft, you will get a reduced thrust away from the sun, and a force in the horizontal direction (perpendicular to the radius vector). Canting the sail will bump the s/c side to side, and will reduce the thrust, but you can ONLY reduce thrust to Zero! You can't go negative. No braking thrust. ONLY if you "luff" the sail, parallel to the solar wind, will the thrust drop to zero, but then you are coasting UP the gravity well. By that time, you are probably past escape velocity, and will not be seen again. And remember, you didn't remove the initial orbital velocity of Earth, so you 'climb' is really a slowly-increasing spiral. At that distance, adding 10% to your velocity is escape velocity (at earth radius, V0 * sqrt(2)... 41% increase is escape, less farther out.)

disclosure: I'm a degreed aerospace engineer and accomplished sailor.

Of course you can slow down. Remember Kepler, the guy who figured out that orbits are ellipses? Angle the sail perpendicular to the orbit on the half of the orbit when the sail is moving towards the sun, this will give you a net braking thrust. On the other half of the orbit, when the sail is moving away from the sun, angle the sail perpendicular to the sun so you get zero thrust. I.e. slow down when going towards the sun and just coast while moving away.

full disclosure: I'm a physicist and a wind surfer.


Werner Herzog Reads Where's Waldo? 9

A futile search for self in an ocean of indifference.

Comment Re:Philosophy is fundamental (Score 1) 515

But wait, you say; a neural net wouldn't be provable stupid!!!

I would reply; so what's the difference between the Markov chain device and a static neural net that expands to the same?

You obviously don't understand either Markov chains or neural nets.

It is trivial to prove that a single layer neural net can't even implement the function XOR, but here is the difference between a neural net and a Markov chain, a neural net can have more than than one level, and then it is a totally different ballgame.

Now, I will admit that there exists Hidden Markov Models, but that was not part of the original question; can an alien create a machine with a Markov model of human speech that acts intelligent?


Comment Re:Philosophy is fundamental (Score 1) 515

It is trivial to show that the amount of information that needs to be stored in the machine is way way more that can be stored in the observable universe.

How much would the data storage requirements change if you replaced "all possible 100 word sentences" with "all 100 word sentences falling within the 98th percentile in terms of actual usage?

Given that there is say roughly 300000 legal words in the english language (the real number is less than one order from it at least) the big markov matrix would be 30000^100^2. You could probably store it in a sparse matrix but the number above is just so insanely much larger than the amount of atoms in the in observable universe that the original hypothesis just becomes moot.

Comment Re:Philosophy is fundamental (Score 1) 515

Oh boy, time to be pedantic in the most annoying possible way...

And it certainly has duration in time. All told, I think a javelin throw is a four-dimensional affair.

Yes, it is the most pedantic way; cause you are wrong.

The javelin takes a 1-dimensional trajectory through 4-dimensional space-time.

So to be pedantic, you know nothing about a trajectory at all is seems.

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