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Comment Re:Like the Unbeliever series? (Score 1) 122

i have to say covenant was the first ever fictional character i hated, i don't just mean hated but despised for breathing. i got through foul's bane and gave up on ever reading illearth war, covenant being so self-loathing ruined any magic in that series

Comment Re:Well written book, but it left me disappointed (Score 1) 122

wait so its just like the last HP book? where i didn't give a shit about if harry and company won or not? where there was very little in the way of connection to the other books or the whole jesus thing that made me want to go to scotland and smack the author for making the worst ending to a mostly good series? yeah if its anything like that i'll skip it and read a series that wasn't a complete mess at the end.

Comment Re:Purpose (Score 1) 252

The main purpose of Slackware is to provide a Linux distribution that is very BSD-like. People familiar with FreeBSD, NetBSD, and OpenBSD that need to use Linux will find Slackware very pleasant to work with.

Linux users that have no experience with UNIX and the CLI will find themselves stumbling around and complaining and asking stupid questions like: "Does Slackware have a real purpose?"

I look forward to upgrading.

well its been a while since i've used slackware, but i remember one thing, slackware was hardly like BSD. at least not Freebsd, gentoo is closer to freebsd than slack. i liked slack, but after a few years of having to fiddle with things that shouldn't be necessary to get to work, i just stopped caring. freebsd is a better OS, has a saner upgrading system than linux, but if i had to use linux i'd use debian or gentoo, maybe :)

Comment Re:Purpose (Score 1) 252

Apple took some of the open source Slackware smugness and fused it with their marketing. If you ask the Apple Store clerk for the source they have some in the back. Arch and Gentoo also compiled and added smugness to their distro as well.

no no you have it wrong, they took the smugness of slackware and infused it with the hipster "irony" of buying over priced intel hardware that you can't upgrade

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