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Comment Re:seat (Score 1) 671

What do you want to buy, a computer or a tablet? They aren't the same thing.

That's nonsense! Tablet PCs have been around for _years_, typically in two different form factors - slate (no hardware keyboard) and convertible (hardware keyboard, touch screen swivels down over the top). Available in many different configurations (think toughbook) and as powerful as a standard laptop; capable of running any flavour of Windows or Linux.

People don't look at a smartphone and compare them to laptops

You've answered your own question there. One is a phone, the other is a computer.

Comment Gah, my ears. (Score 2, Insightful) 671

There's been a lot of good discussion here about the device, (it's capabilities, it's pricing), the pros and cons of open versus closed hardware at a given price point, market need, etc etc. I'd guess a good majority of /. readers are well enough informed about the iPad to be able (to a greater or lesser degree) to make a fairly informed choice about whether the product is suitable for them or not.

The thing that gets my goat though, is that due to the Jobs effect, and the massive marketing might of Apple, a vast number of poor schmos will end up owning one of these devices without really knowing why.

'So what', I hear you cry; 'caveat emptor'!

The problem is, that I'm gonna have to listen to these clueless boguns banging on about their shitty iPads for years...

Comment Re:I guess he ran out of interesting questions ... (Score 1) 671

That's pretty short sighted to be honest. There are (believe it or not) many more applications for the Flash Player than playing video. A couple of examples, off the top of my head:

Audio synthesis: http://www.hobnox.com/index.1056.en.html

Image creation: http://aviary.com/

PDF creation: http://alivepdf.bytearray.org/

There are thousands more of course, these are just the ones that sparked my interest in the last couple of weeks.

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