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Comment Re:Well damn... (Score 2) 838

Just let those that want to and have nothing to live for die... My granny had Alzheimer's. My mum nursed her at our home and I watched her go from almost normal to totally gone. She died few days before my birthday seven years ago. It was sad but my mum didn't cry much, because as she said, she had been gone for a long time. The most painful time was when she could still understand things a little bit... When she could still see that everything she tried to do came out wrong... and then she was so gone that she had to wear diapers and all she could do sit there shredding paper, because cutting rags for carpet material was so ingrained into her mind that that was the last thing left... If I knew that was happening to me, Id rather die in one go. Without degrading like that... Without losing myself bit by bit knowing full well where it leads... So I full well understand my favorite author's choice. I just hope he is allowed to make it...

Comment Re:That unique identifies marsh gas... (Score 4, Insightful) 80

Read the relevant section. They tested the algorithm against browsers that had cookie indication of sameness.
"We ran our algorithm over the set of users whose cookies indicated that they were returning to the site 1{2 hours or more after their first visit, and who now had a different fingerprint."
Take that out and you get a flood of false positives.

Comment Re:No Plausible Deniability (Score 1) 275

Anonymous is just like the public, it contains people of all sorts. But its not a group of people with a label. It's a phenomena. It happens when assorted people, strangers, act with a common goal. For that to happen the goal needs to be known and agreed up on and to do that the vision needs to be forwarded to as many as possible. You cant be loud, even obnoxiously so, and secret at the same time. It just doesn't work. No matter what your intentions are.

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