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Comment The hardest transition (Score 3, Insightful) 298

The hardest transition that most techies have to make is being bumped up into management. A good manager will absorb and deflect politics, paperwork, issues, and other items that will get in the way of a tech doing a technical job. When you first get pushed up into management, it's a surprise just how little your technical skills are valued. Even if a "technical" answer is asked by your new bosses, having a big picture view is more important than being able to click your way through aduc. A general technical knowledge is important because managers need to support the needs of those under them, but knowing how long and what it will take to create the right piece of code is more important than being able to do it. If you can get your people the time and resources they need, you are doing a far better job than if you're doing their jobs for them.

Submission + - Best Use for a retired N900?

Anonymous Cowar writes: So I've recently replaced my N900 with another phone that kind of runs Linux (the Atrix webtop is ubuntu based) and have a perfectly good n900 laying around. I already have a file/web/media server and am trying to figure out the best use for this powerful little device. Now I've done those dual-boot OSes and just about every gee-whiz thing you can do with it, but I'm trying to think of a better use for it than throwing it in the drawer in case I brick my new phone. What would you do with a housebound n900?

Comment Re:no rhythm involved at all (Score 2) 178

What he's playing is just a steady stream of quarter notes that get overlaid with straight eighth and sixteenth notes later on. There's absolutely nothing interesting happening from a rhythmic perspective at all. No syncopation, no rests, nothing. Just bars full of quarters, eighths, and sixteenths. Disappointing. You could do a whole lot with pi rhythmically, too.

So do it

Comment Flash? (Score 2, Insightful) 175

Netcraft confirms it! Flash is dead!

Despite that 90% of the earliest net memes are still perfectly playable today due to their SWF composition, it's interesting that they're (indirectly) making the statement that html5 will beat flash. I can see why, flash is a bloated, update happy, buggy, insecure beast of a program, sort of like java through the years.

Comment Re:Interesting (Score 1) 412

While i agree with your post at large, you shouldn't say this to anybody who has played a console newer than the ps2:

With consoles, sure you can just pop in a disk, provided it's not damaged, but if there are errors in a game.. thats it, deal with it.

Fallout 3 and Fallout New Vegas for the PC beg to differ. Also, i have seen far fewer bugs in 360 releases than in their corresponding PC ports. Also, 360 patches get priority and are (in my experience) released a few days before similar bug fixes are seen on the PC. This has to do with the inherent complexity of the PC environment and simplicity of the 360 monoculture.

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