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Comment Re:That it's required for most employment these da (Score 1) 828

Indeed, but they are also ahead of the United States in generating alternate energy jobs and expanding its role in the power sector.
As of 2007, they were already ahead of the United States in the fraction of renewable energy in their portfolio (7.5% vs. 5.5%, about a 36% lead). Plus, it's China that has mountains of free cash to burn on research and subsidy in this regard, not America.

Comment Re:And yet- (Score 2, Informative) 828

how global warming is a hideous result of modern civilization and all manner of politically correct nonsense

I was taught that in an Indian high school sometime in the nineties.

In most of the world, global warming is recognised as an existing, serious problem and a consequence of industrialisation. Evolution is taught as it ought to be, without creationism getting in the way. In a country that has often been dissatisfied with the United Nations, the organisation and other multilateral fora are portrayed positively. In a country that has been at on-and-off war with an Islamic state since 1947, the origins and fundamentals of the religion (indeed, all major religions) is taught as part of history without subjective commentary.

The Internet

Woman's Nude Pics End Up Online After Call To Tech Support 197

Tara Fitzgerald couldn't find the nude pictures she planned on sending to her boyfriend, but instead of just taking more, she decided to see if a Dell tech support call could fix her problem. Apparently the tech support guy found them. Unfortunately, he then put them up on a site called "bitchtara."

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"It says he made us all to be just like him. So if we're dumb, then god is dumb, and maybe even a little ugly on the side." -- Frank Zappa
