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Comment Re:In other words... (Score 1) 117

The flaw here is that they don't say which passwords to what, or with whom.

There's no good reason not to share the password to a shared computer, and yet this poll puts anyone who does so in the same box as anyone who graffitis their bank login information on a bridge.

Comment Re:How does this make a difference? (Score 1) 1181

And you're quite right about that, barring the introduction of other predator species like wolves that have been almost entirely eliminated from most states in the name of protecting livestock. I don't have a problem with meat eating in itself, but it is true that it is far from an efficient way to produce food.

Comment Re:Technology for stupid people and assholes (Score 1) 911

The problem is that all these reasonable things you could do with an old fashioned vehicle you cannot do with a state-of-the-art car because for everything you do there's a computer between you and the moving parts. When the computer decides to go HAL 9000 on you, there is not much you can do about it.

Comment Re:Population crashes are not new. (Score 1) 816

Organic fertilizer is renewable, it's just that we've reduces our agricultural industry down to a single person working thousands of acres of land, who can't handle the added workload of making an actual sustainable farm. If we're going to make it through the next century we're either going to have to accept an increase in food prices, or go back to buying food as raw materials (and actually start cooking at home again) as the extra cost of food is put into healthy farming rather than making sure all food appears on store shelves as frozen pizza.

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