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Comment Re:How About D.C.? (Score 1) 279

yes, as a "teabagger" (and props for using that derogatory term, thanks for tipping your hand -- much appreciated), I can assure you the Tea Party is not a giant fan of the iraq war or the extended afghanistan war, and I'm guessing the Nobel Peace Prize committee is just as thrilled as we are about the Libya war. Thank gods we elected "The One" because if we had McCain in there, man, we might be involved in some third war that made so sense whatsoever.


Philosophy and Computer Science Revisited 204

Soren Kierkegaard writes "While reading the two-and-a-half-year-old Slashdot post on Does Philosophy have a role in Computer Science, it occurred to me that over these past few years Philosophy has a more prominent role in Computer Science then ever before. Cognitive Science and Computer Ethics are more established disciplines in universities, and the numbers of philosophy graduates double majoring in computer science and information systems are climbing. Is a merger of Philosophy, a discipline steeped in history and intelligent thought, and Computer Science, a discipline that looks to the future, the best of both worlds?"

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