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Comment Can't Go Backwards (Score 5, Insightful) 736

Consider this: Once you've put progress on a bar, you can't take it off. Suppose you start a process that should take 20 minutes, and do the first 5 minutes, progress is now at 25%. But then, partway through, something unexpected happens and you realize the process is actually going to take 40 minutes. You can't take the progress "back" now, that would disorient the user. So you have to rescale the remainder of the bar.

Comment Depreciation (Score 2) 380

A $2380 computer today is worth approximately $0 in ten years. Pretending for a moment that the depreciation is linear, you lose $238 per year for owning that computer.

Not to mention bandwidth costs, maintenance (you gonna fend off all those Chinese hackers yourself?), air conditioning, lying awake at night wondering if your server's still running...

Look, running a server is a fine hobby. But don't pretend you're running a business here. How many businesses do you know that do their own hosting?! If it was so cost-effective, they surely would be.

Comment Good 2-player games (Score 1) 550

They're not easy to find.

At one extreme, you have the zero-sum pure competition games. Chess and Go are classic examples, but the most cutthroat one I've come across is Caesar and Cleopatra. Divorce in a box, if you ask me.

At the other extreme, you have the "family game" type, which is pretty much random who wins and who loses. The card game Fluxx is the best example I can think of here. I've played Fluxx while actively trying to lose, and won despite my best efforts. These can be fun, but they're not intellectually stimulating.

The good two-player games are in a sweet spot between those two extremes. The perfect 2-player game has enough randomness that you won't feel bad if you lose, but enough strategy to make you feel like your actions mattered when you win.

Lost Cities, Odin's Ravens, and Jaipur are three such games. They are all card games, and what cards you get is significant in all three games. But all 3 games let you manage your luck in different ways, so having a good strategy is essential.

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