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Submission + - Is This The Biggest Linux Security Breach? 1

ShouldISpillTheBeens? writes: What's happening over at Red Hat/Fedora? Has some bad guys infiltrated the main infrastructure that runs the show ? Has the security of get all your packages from the official repositories because you can trust us" been compromised? If this turns out to be the case, this could be a huge blow to the great security record ( perceived or otherwise ) that linux has.

Comment Re:Catch suspicious traffic at the ISP level (Score 1) 607

It's not a matter of worrying about either/or. ISP's typically oversell bandwidth (it'd be near impossible to make a profit otherwise). It's not to their advantage to have a customer maxing out his or her connection 24x7. If a customer is maxing out their connection for extended periods of time it tell us the sysadmin that that customer either has a spyware/infected PC and is operating as part of a botnet or they're a P2P user. The ISP doesn't like either and will likely take action against both if they notice it's negatively impacting other users.
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