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Submission + - Plasma To Produce Clean Energy From Waste

kbox writes: "Mention trash incineration to most people and the image that usually springs to mind is a dirty, smelly practice that is about as far from 'green' as you can get. However, this isn't the case with a technology called Plasma Gasification, which is not only very eco-friendly, it's also powered by the very garbage that it processes. It also produces clean energy and commercially useful byproducts.

While the technology of processing materials with plasma has been around for some time now, Joseph Longo, CEO and founder of Startech Environmental Corporation has developed a device that can handle pretty much any type of waste put into it and turn it into a clean source of energy."

Submission + - Surveillance Cameras Get Smarter

atanas writes: "A security camera is under development which will decide PREEMPTIVELY if you have criminal or otherwise untoward intentions. "Researchers and security companies are developing cameras that not only watch the world but also interpret what they see. Soon, some cameras may be able to find unattended bags at airports, guess your height or analyze the way you walk to see if you are hiding something." http://hosted.ap.org/dynamic/stories/S/SMART_SURVE ILLANCE?SITE=WIRE&SECTION=HOME&TEMPLATE=DEFAULT"
Classic Games (Games)

Submission + - Storytelling in Games: Wizardry I

MrNash writes: "The Armchair Empire has posted the first in a series of features discussing storytelling in games. In this installment, the article talks about Wizardry: Proving Grounds of the Mad Overlord, and how the lack of a story was actually a good thing.

In modern narrative games it can feel as though there is an invisible barrier between the player and the game. At the back of one's head there's the thought that we're being guided on an adventure that is being controlled by a game designer. He wants us to do things at certain points, and will tell a story as we go. With Wizardry I, this isn't the case. It's like Woodhead and Greenburg said to the players, "There's an evil wizard at the bottom of that maze over there. If he isn't stopped, he'll cause all sorts of trouble in town. Why don't you rustle up a posse, and go kick his ass," after which point they patted players on their collective bottom and sent them on their way. From here on in, we were on our own, and would have to figure out just about everything for ourselves. Our imaginations helped to temper the experience while playing. We didn't worry about narrative cues to tell us what to do, or add context to the game. We created our own context as we went.

Submission + - Amazing New Pictures of Spacecraft Above Mars

sighted writes: "The European Space Agency's Rosetta probe, en route to a distant encounter with a comet, buzzed by Barsoom yesterday and took some striking and unusual pictures, including one that shows its own solar panel with Mars in the background. As it passed by the planet, Rosetta briefly took back up to six the number of active robotic missions exploring Mars, four in space and two on the ground."

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It's not an optical illusion, it just looks like one. -- Phil White
