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Comment Re:Extensions (Score 1) 432

I don't want to think where I put my windows. I know my personal browser sessions are on 3, along with any game I might be playing, my E-mail and other contact managers are on 1, and my database interface and Eclipse are running on 2.

When I want to save a window for later, I toss it over to 4.

I shouldn't have to think about it. That's how proper organization works.

Imagine for a moment if your clothing drawers automatically created and deleted drawers so you had to figure out where you'd put something, and if you took the last sock out of the sock drawer, the shirt drawer wouldn't be where you expected it. We use metaphors on desktops to help users organize their data, including the folder system. Making those metaphors less realistic kills their ability to use them for organization.

If that's the workflow you prefer, then use the static workspaces extension. You can easily turn extensions on and off and make other changes with the gnome tweak tool GUI.

Comment You're doing it wrong (Score 1) 408

Security questions are an opportunity for additional long passwords.

Favorite color: ALQbpFcWvvFiJlnEh5uuC0lpJZFHAvIcMuXrOh46L3bc24V39m
Where you grew up: 1t7jpfr7zzp87kOJTMOFw5qf1ReWKoxoeRu8U7vuz5TfPwypkU
First pet: gzcPme09nDYPHXvfvyi8FbpP9hX5cjqMiVi0MWd61sxyCIJjaG

Just use the prompt as the index for the key, which you've saved in your favorite key store, like keepassx.

Comment Re:8gb? (Score 1) 262

There isn't a flash memory slot on a tablet or smartphone that will give you access to the petabytes of content you can access remotely. As a power user, I choose not to limit myself to the relatively tiny amount of local content a device can store.

Good for you. Meanwhile, when the power went out for eight hours in our part of town recently, I was glad I had a couple of hundred books on my Kindle.

You should try to read the thread before you reply.

"The only thing my local storage is for is installed applications, and a handful of items for when I'm offline."

Even 4GB storage is enough to hold more content than your battery can get through.

Comment Re:8gb? (Score 1) 262

The Cloud is over-hyped nonsense that's not nearly reliable enough or ubiquitous enough at this time to make up for lack of local storage. You might not use squat. That's not the same thing as using the Cloud instead.

A memory slot can be safely ignored by the more pedestrian user while still allowing a power user to load up on storage.

There isn't a flash memory slot on a tablet or smartphone that will give you access to the petabytes of content you can access remotely. As a power user, I choose not to limit myself to the relatively tiny amount of local content a device can store.

Comment Re:Hundreds of dollars a year for mobile broadband (Score 1) 262

Perhaps people buying the bigger capacities are offline more than you are. They don't want to spend hundreds of dollars a year on a mobile broadband plan for a tablet when they're already paying hundreds for Internet at home. And even if they do pay up, once someone streams a couple movies over cellular, that's all the Internet access the subscriber gets for the month.

I use WiFi only; it's ubuiquitous where I am, and there's no additional charge for it. I'll be switching to Republic Wireless as soon as they start offering again for the same reason. Certainly if you are in a location where cellular is your only choice, the decision will be different.

Comment Re:8gb? (Score 4, Interesting) 262

With flash memory so cheap, why would anyone release a tablet with less than 32GB? Our CAD stations have more RAM.

Because many people don't store information locally anymore. My tablet has 16GB, and I have a 16GB microSD. I used to keep a lot of local content, but these days I just have an sshfs mount to my home server for all my content. The only thing my local storage is for is installed applications, and a handful off items for when I'm offline. People are keeping information in 'the cloud' whether it's a personal implementation or a public service offering.

Comment Re:minor typo - "makes impossibles" (Score 3, Informative) 277

This was a bug that was corrected (it was a problem in cache flushing). All my testing occured after the bug was addressed, and pulling drive data cables while actively writing, as well as pulling drive power cables, was part of my testing. No data loss occurred in any test. The btrfsck and btrfs scrub/balance were able to correct all errors that resulted following the drive recovery.

Comment Re:Ext4 metadata checksums (Score 1) 277

The normal installation on Fedora 17 doesn't support btrfs, however, you can use a kickstart from a Fedora 17 liveCD/liveUSB to install onto btrfs. For example, adding the following to your kickstart:

clearpart --all --initlabel
autopart --type=btrfs

This is how I set up our desktops. By default, the above will make the root (/) btrfs, and place /home in a subvolume.

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