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Comment Re:BSA invents statistics - higher ethics? (Score 5, Interesting) 569

Maybe one reason for such a poor correlation between alleged copyright infringement and malware rates is that most who engage in and enable copyright infringement actually do have higher ethics than some companies which deliberately add creepy spyware and malware-like features to their applications in the name of controlling what user's do. Indeed, I wonder if some even explicitly choose copyright infringement sources simply to get spy and malware disabled versions of certain applications.

Comment Re:I don't think IPv6 is really the future any mor (Score 1) 438

"Carrier Grade NAT" is a brilliant way to gain control over net neutrality and "consumers" who "publish" services even on asymetrical DSL, such as VoIP, and hence by "enabling" a crisis that requires a carrier "managed" Internet solution that effectively can make these services impossible for people to use or external providers to offer in the future. Ultimately, the carriers I think would love walled gardens, little AOL's if you will, all their own, with tollbridges everywhere, including for companies that wish to offer hosted services to users, whether by bandwidth throttling that has run into regulatory problems, or by access control offered through carrier NAT instituted as a "solution" to a problem they deliberately refuse to resolve by other means.

Comment Re:C64 BASIC too powerful to be safe (Score 2, Insightful) 580

Dystopias usually are meant to illustrate what can go wrong and where it could potentially lead taken to it's logical extreme. However, that is not always the case. For example, unfortunately, western governments seem to have decided that "1984" was not a dystopic warning, but rather a blueprint to implement!

Comment Re:So, what's the answer supposed to be? (Score 3, Interesting) 235

The private sector was clearly interested only in hoping "data islands" from which "publishing" could be strictly controlled (and billed) along with limited interconnection through proprietary network protocols, and not in creating some kind of generic interconnection as such where network services and data could be offered by any participating peer. If we did not have the government funded Internet at the start, we would still be today essentially experiencing some decadent of or something like Compuserve or AoL, that is a metered data service delivered from an isolated digital island, and perhaps even things like broadband may never have become widely available outside of businesses looking to connect ipx over x.25 networks :).

Comment And this is new how?? (Score 1) 282

I recall an annoying plugin for pidgen that advertises what music people are playing/listening to. Heck, there are far older examples of such things for irc, and over 5 years ago we had an annoying plugin for Bayonne that would announce incoming calls and other noteworthy events over im. Nice to see IBM has finally "caught up" ;).

Comment MTA dial 311 and get arrested (Score 1) 395

A friend of mine used the new 311 line promoted by NYC's new Boss Tweed, Mayor Bloomberg, to complain about Q-Line service, and was arrested last Friday by 4 MTA police officers and held in city jail overnight until his arraignment on Saturday. So at this point nothing surprises me about what the MTA might try to do.

Comment Re:I'd love to be plagiarized like this... (Score 1) 132

You misunderstand. It is not that they want to block their articles and summaries from being carried and indexed, hence darwining themselves out of business, such as the Belgium publishers who refuse to use robots.txt to block Google demonstrate. Ultimately they both actually want their stuff to be indexed and carried, even if becomes necessary to find ways to force others to carry their links and summarizes, while at the same time they want to force those they hope they can force to carry their stuff to also pay them for the conveyance. That is what they are really after.

Comment Encrypted cellular (Score 1) 199

I had experimented with pairing a PC bluetooth with a cell phone. Mostly though I was experimenting with establishing a ZRTP-like session over bluetooth audio to do secure end-to-end media over the cellular network, rather than the application proposed here.

Comment Re:How Ironic (Score 2, Insightful) 150

And that sounds much like parts of corporate America and the "rank" system, where those best able to manipulate their managers and stab their co-workers in the back successfully are best enabled for advancement, leading to pure sociopaths at the top tier. Corporations like Microsoft in particular use the rank system...

Comment And you say you live in a Free Society? (Score 4, Interesting) 471

"Some say that power comes with responsibility, but this is not correct. Freedom is responsibility, and if one fails to be responsible for their own freedom then those who claim 'power' will become responsible for your freedom, and both will be taken from you." - me

So basically because you fear the ability of law enforcement to abuse their powers in ways that may harm you personally, you are afraid to host this document that I have to presume relates to revealing some potentially illegal police activities? The press refuses to carry this story? And people say they live in a free society, when they are free only to be afraid of the power of government??

Let me say this. If I had such documents, well, speaking from their presumed perspective and content, I would choose to host them. I would do so proudly. And I would share them with others to host as well, openly, without question. I would make sure they were also mirrored of course on something outside the U.S. as I do have resources for that. But I would happily apply my own resources to host them also.

Fascism happens when the efficiency and fear of the state becomes more important than the freedom and rights of the people.


Hosting a Highly Inflammatory Document? 471

IndianaKim writes "I have been asked if I can host or assist in hosting a highly inflammatory document that reflects poorly on a Police Department. I want to help, but I also do not want the headache and possible subjection to search warrants and/or illegal searches. The document is so inflammatory that it could interest the FBI and DoJ and cause them to investigate the government officials involved. I live in the same county, but not the same city, and therefore could be subject to a search (legal or not) by some of these government agencies. I have been asked to host it on a server outside of the US. At this time, I do not have the ability to do that, but I could set it up if I needed to. My question is: would you host it if you were asked? How would you go about protecting the document and yourself?"

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